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Review: The Blacksmith’s Apprentice – Bey Deckard

The Blacksmith's Apprentice - Bey Deckard

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Eyck didn’t need anyone. Eyck lived a good life in South Galetsy. A respected blacksmith, he spent long days making swords for the Border War, and even though he ached by day’s end, the last thing he thought he needed was an apprentice. He had his work and his best friend, Pash, and that was fine. When Wex showed up on his stoop asking for work, Eyck agreed to take him on—no matter that Wex turned out to be prickly and secretive and an absolute bloody pain in the tail to work with. Well… … Read more

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Review: Fallen Love – Alex Stargazer

Fallen Love - Alex Stargazer

Genre: Young Adult, New Adult, Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Upperclassman Conall is rich, impeccably dressed, and set for a prestigious career in the Party hierarchy. He doesn’t lack for anything—except, maybe, love. When he finds Mark, alone, abandoned and hurt, he doesn’t expect one act of kindness to alter the course of his life forever. There is more to Mark than Conall can even dream of. The beautiful, vulnerable boy Conall knows is not human. A dark power lies within Mark. It can make him immortal… but love might be the price. Discover why readers are calling this … Read more

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Review: Rarely Pure and Never Simple – Angel Martinez

Rarely Pure and Never Simple - Angel Martinez

Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Variant children are vanishing at an alarming rate. It will take a uniquely mismatched pair of trackers to untangle a web of conspiracy and misdirection to find them. In his isolated cabin, variant Damien Hazelwood avoids human contact as much as possible to prevent attacks of blind berserker panic. But his rare talent as a locator makes him the go-to contractor for tricky missing person’s cases and when agents bring him a troubling contract involving missing variant children, he finds it impossible to refuse. Licensed tracker Blaze Emerson can’t help being irritated … Read more

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Review: Lion’s Hero – Alexis Woods

Lion's Hero - Alexis Woods

Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Holiday LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay (Age Gap) Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Eight nights to fall in love. Ari’s mission: meet the man chosen for him by God. The catch: he only has eight nights to both fall in love and have his chosen fall in love with him—the eight nights of Chanukah. Gabriel’s test of faith: in reaching out to a young man, he finds himself confronted with the unbelievable. Believe, and the Festival of Lights may herald a miracle leading to a lifetime of love. The Review Ari is an angel, created by God, to be a warrior … Read more

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Review: David’s Disaster – T.L. Travis

David's Disaster - TL Travis - Road to Rocktoberfest

Genre: Contemporary, Rock ‘n Roll LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book For David Jordan life is close to perfect. His band, Embrace the Fear, is living the rock ‘n roll dream as an up-and-coming group under Masterson Management. They aren’t rolling in dough like their mentors from Social and Maiden, but things are good. David grew up in a middle-class family. Both his parents worked and supported him and his sisters in every way. To this day, they are still in love with each other. The one thing missing from David’s life is the same kind of connection his parents had. … Read more

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Review: His Lordship’s Return – Samantha SoRelle

His Lordship's Return - Samantha SoRelle

Genre: Historical, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book For Dominick and Alfie, it feels like they’ve only just settled into life at Balcarres House when an urgent letter from an old friend has them racing back to London. However, they’re not returning to Alfie’s swirling ton of money and nobility, but to the dark underside of the city that Dominick knows all too well. In a desperate race against time, they’ll have to walk streets that Alfie barely remembers and Dominick hoped to forget. Their return brings up terrors better left in the past and for one of them, the … Read more

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Review: Returning to the Werewolf – Holly Day

Returning to the Werewolf - Holly Day

Genre: Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Lex Gray was in love once. He was young and gave his heart to Cash Udolph, who he believed would be with him forever. When his world fell apart, Cash was nowhere to be found. Lex left Warwood, the tiniest village ever placed on a map, and swore never to come back. Seventeen years later, he’s there to attend his grandmother’s funeral. Cash lost his mate. Lex begged him to run away with him, but as the enforcer of a werewolf pack, Cash can’t leave Warwood. When everything came crashing down seventeen … Read more

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Review: The Promise of Sacrifice – C.J. Dragon

The Promise of Sacrifice - C.J. Dragon

Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book How much can one man give when faced with the prejudice of two worlds? Acknowledged at last by the Governing Council, his life mating accepted, Jonathan Thomsin makes a home on Daran with his husband, Talin of the Warrior Order. He knows he will never see Earth or his family again and learns to live with that endless grief. Jon is ecstatic when the Daranii Council gives Jon permission to return to Earth for life-saving surgery and allows him to contact and stay with his family for six months. He will be … Read more

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Review: His Fake Boyfriend – Hurri Cosmo

His Fake Boyfriend - Hurri Cosmo

Genre: Contemporary LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book Noah is Griffin Colewater’s best friend and absolutely no one knows him better. Certainly not any of the parade of girlfriends he’s had over the years. Even his most recent, Lauren, whom he has been with the longest. And just broke up with. Does it make Noah a terrible friend if he’s just a little bit thrilled about that? It doesn’t really matter, though. Griffin is the oldest son of the owners of Colewater Properties, a multi-gazillion dollar hotel conglomerate. He is also next in line to take over … Read more

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Review: The Heart of St. Nick – A.D. Ellis

The Heart of St. Nick - A.D. Ellis

Genre: Contemporary, Holiday LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Hayden Green is the epitome of a cheery, generous, small-town guy. He keeps himself busy in a tiny railroad town tucked in the hills of the Midwest by helping others. If he also finds himself wishing for a tall, dark, and handsome man to waltz into town and sweep him off his feet, who can blame him? Gannon Snow closed himself off to emotions and connections a long time ago. He’ll head back to his late grandfather’s beloved holiday town, but only to sell the old man’s house and store. He has … Read more