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Review: Once Upon a Dance – Kim Fielding

Once Upon a Dance - Kim Fielding

Genre: Sci-Fi, Fairy Tale, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book om is an aging house-android, toiling away for the cruel and ungrateful owners of an inn. He secretly dreams of freedom, friendship, and love. When an inn guest offers him the chance to attend a grand masquerade ball, Dom jumps at the opportunity. For a few precious hours he enjoys a level of independence he had never imagined—and the company of a handsome and kind prince of industry. Until the clock strikes midnight. The Review I love fairy tale retellings, especially when they recast the original story in a bold and unexpected way. … Read more

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Review: The Third Front – E.M. Hamill

Third Front - E.M. Hamill

Genre: Sci-Fi (with romantic sub-plot) LGBTQ+ Category: Non binary, gender fluid, pansexual, gay Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Dalí Tamareia has the terrorist Skadi in their sights – but bringing her in may cost them everything. Dalí’s role as an undercover operative is compromised, putting a target on their back and threatening the close-knit team aboard Thunder Child. A new lead on Miriam Skadi’s activities forces them back to Luna, where they must confront everything they tried to run from…including their changed relationship with Rion Sumner, who insists on backing up Dalí for this investigation. But Dalí is not the only one searching for Skadi. An … Read more

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REVIEW: It Helps With the Blues – Bryan Cebulski

It Helps With the Blues - Bryan Cebulski

Genre: YA, Coming of Age LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Bi, Ace, Non-Binary Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | Publisher About The Book Jules leaves. Gabriel rages. Estelle changes. Joshua hides. In the aftermath of a classmate’s suicide, a boy embroils himself in a community of Midwestern teens, each doing what they can to cope as they stumble—together and apart—toward a life worth living. The Review It Helps With the Blues is not a romance. I first met the author, Bryan Cebulski, when he submitted a poignant post-apocalyptic tale called “From the Sun and Scorched Earth” to Other Worlds Ink for the “Fix the World” anthology. It’s the story of a … Read more

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REVIEW: Full Circle – Blaine D. Arden

Full Circle - Blaine D. Arden

Genre: Fantasy, Crime Investigation, Gay Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, MM, MMM Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | A Triad In Three Acts About The Book “I have great responsibilities, but my path ahead is as foggy and blurred as the path behind me.”  With forester Taruif freed, Kelnaht has claimed him openly at Solstice before tribe and Ma’terra as his partner, but with their third, Ianys, bound by an old promise, their triad is still incomplete. Sneaking around puts the most strain on Ianys. He and Kelnaht must keep their relationship a secret or he will lose his daughter, Atèn. When several children fall ill with more than a summer bug, … Read more

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REVIEW: Lost and Found – Blaine D. Arden

The Forester - Blaine D. Arden

Genre: Fantasy, Crime Investigation, Gay Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, MM, MMM Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | A Triad in Three Acts About The Book The guide mentioned puddles, but I envisioned lakes, deep treacherous lakes, and I was drowning. One turn has passed, another Solstice is just around the corner, and having an illicit affair with not one but two lovers—smith Ianys and shunned forester Taruif—is taking its toll on truth seeker Kelnaht. A stripling has gone missing from the tribe, and heavy rainfall hides all traces of his whereabouts. With days creeping by without a lead, it’s hard to keep the tribe’s spirits up, more so when … Read more

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REVIEW: The Forester – Blaine D. Arden

Lost and Found - Blaine D. Arden

Genre: Fantasy, Crime Investigation, Gay Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, MM, MMM Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | A Triad in Three Acts About The Book Your Path is muddy, Kelnaht, but don’t think avoiding the puddles will make it easier to travel. Kelnaht, a cloud elf, is a truth seeker caught between love and faith when a murder committed ten days before Solstice reveals an illicit affair between two tree elves he desires more than he can admit. Kelnaht’s former lover Ianys once betrayed him, and the shunned forester Taruif is not allowed to talk to anyone but the guide, their spiritual pathfinder. When Taruif turns out to be … Read more

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REVIEW: The Snails of Dun Nas – K.L. Noone

The Snails Of Dun Nas - K.L. Noone

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: M-Gender Fluid Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Giant magical snails aren’t exactly at the top of the list of heroic quests. But the village of Dun Nas needs help, and Aric needs money: being a legendary swordsman might be nice, but so is getting paid. Anyway, snails — even giant ones — aren’t anything he can’t handle, especially with his half-fairy partner Emrys. Together, the Storm-Wielder and the Shadow can fight anything, or so the stories say. But this job’s more complicated than it seems. The lake holds a dangerous magical mystery. Aric trusts Emrys with his life — but he’d … Read more

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REVIEW: Sanctity – Toshi Drake

Sanctity - Toshi Drake - StarStation

Genre: Sci-Fi, Space Opera LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Non-Binary Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Can a man in emotional turmoil find love on a space station overrun by pirates? Commander Jax Trest is struggling with a secret pain he finds difficult to share with his friends. When his spaceship, the Padua, docks for repairs at StarStation 86, Trest is ordered to take time off and seek counselling. From his first encounter with Commander Zoagashta, Trest finds himself entranced by the empathic Asyran, and new possibilities for emotional connection open to him. But when a stalker hints Trest is the target of a Siwu pirate attack that endangers the station, … Read more

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REVIEW: Entity – Toshi Drake

Entity - Toshi Drake

Genre: Sci-Fi, Space Opera LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Lieutenant Michael Collins’s week just went to hell. The suspicious actions of his captain escalates as he orders Michael to investigate a dead ship’s heart—the cephalopods that pilot the star drive system. The mission forces Michael from the safety of his ship and his lover, Commander Eizen Sartris, while straining the bond with his own ship’s heart, Padua. Attacked by Siwu pirates, Michael finds refuge on a damaged alien vessel, where he waits for Eizen to rescue him. But in the dark cold wreckage, he discovers a thriving garden tended by a strange young … Read more

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REVIEW: Astounding – Kim Fielding

Astounding! - Kim Fielding

Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Carter Evans is founder and editor-in-chief of Astounding!—a formerly popular spec fiction magazine currently in its death throes. Not only can he do nothing to save it, but stuck in a rathole apartment with few interpersonal connections, he can’t seem to do much to rescue his future either. And certainly all the booze isn’t helping. He snaps when he receives yet another terrible story submission from the mysterious writer J. Harper—and in a drunken haze, Carter sends Harper a rejection letter he soon regrets. J. Harper turns out to be John Harper, a sweet man … Read more