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REVIEW: The God’s Eye, by Anna Butler

The God's Eye - Anna Butler

Title: The God’s Eye Series: Lancaster’s Luck Book Three Author: Anna Butler Genre: Historical, Steampunk, Sci Fi LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 338 Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Rafe Lancaster is reluctantly settling into his role as the First Heir of House Stravaigor. Trapped by his father’s illness and his new responsibilities, Rafe can’t go with lover Ned Winter to Aegypt for the 1902/03 archaeological digging season. Rafe’s unease at being left behind intensifies when Ned’s fascination with the strange Antikythera mechanism and its intriguing link to the Aegyptian god Thoth has Ned heading south to the remote, unexplored highlands of Abyssinia … Read more