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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Summer of Hush, by R.L. Merrill

Summer of Hush - R.L. Merrill

R.L. Merrill has a new contemporary MM romance out: “Summer of Hush.” Hush is back… and it’s about to get loud. After two years grieving the death of his best friend, Silas Franklin is back on the road with his metalcore band, Hush. With a new member, a brilliant new album, and a headlining spot on the last cross-country Warped Tour, life couldn’t be better—unless Silas could meet the intriguing music blogger known only as the Guru. Silas has followed his blog for years and feels the Guru might be the only person who “gets” him. For years Krishnan Guruvayoor has reported on the metal scene as an anonymous blogger, … Read more

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REVIEW: The Man Inside Me, By Sean Kerr

The Man Inside Me - Sean Kerr

Title: The Man Inside Me Author: Sean Kerr Genre: Gothic Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay/MM Publisher: SGK Publications Pages: 202 Reviewer: Melissa Brus, Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team Get It On Amazon About The Book Victorian London is a difficult place to be when you are gay, as Henry and Gabriel know all too well. When they were young at Oxford University, Henry and Gabriel’s love burned hot and bright, and they thought to change the world together until a devastating tragedy ripped them apart. Now, as youth fades away, Henry can no longer stand to see his own reflection in the mirror. All he sees is a sad, tired old … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Chemical [se]X 2: just one more Anthology

Chemical [se]x 2 Anthology

My friend Sally Bend has a story in a new queer friendly romance antholgy: Chemical [se]X 2: just one more. Taste the attraction. Again.  One hundred percent delicious with zero calories, let yourself be tempted by our chocolate-infused delights. These bite-size erotic treats are guaranteed to satisfy even the most discerning tastes.  Best friends become more, beauty is tamed by the beast, a music festival turns erotic, strangers collide, shy lovers go wild, roommates break down barriers, and a chance encounter at a holiday party leads to sapphic delights.  Something for every taste.  Elevator shenanigans, mythic lovers, well-dressed hunks, hungry coworkers and birthday surprises, Chemical [se]X Volume Two delivers the … Read more

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Feeling the Characters

Where There's Smoke - BL Morticia

Greetings folks. Here’s a blog about writing characters! When talking to an author, you might hear how excited they are about their stories. They tell you about what went into the creating plot, the inspiration behind the story, and then the fun part; how they came up with their characters. In a lot of instances, this character might be made up of someone they know or even an extension of themselves or, it may be a someone they want to know or dream about. A lot of mine are all the above. Their personalities are a mix of someone I know or want to know. If the character is somewhat … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Abaddon’s Locusts, by Don Travis

Abaddon's Locusts - Don Travis

DSP Publications author Don Travis has a new gay mystery book out: Abaddon’s Locusts. When B. J. Vinson, confidential investigator, learns his young friend, Jazz Penrod, has disappeared and has not been heard from in a month, he discovers some ominous emails. Jazz has been corresponding with a “Juan” through a dating site, and that single clue draws BJ and his significant other, Paul Barton, into the brutal but lucrative world of human trafficking. Their trail leads to a mysterious Albuquerquean known only as Silver Wings, who protects the Bulgarian cartel that moves people—mostly the young and vulnerable—around the state to be sold into modern-day slavery, sexual and otherwise. Can … Read more

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Words: Progress

Dirt Road

Today’s word is progress.   I thought about a few other words. When my computer turned into a brick yesterday during an upgrade, I had a lot of words to use, and none of them were what I’d consider appropriate for this venue. When I sat there on Election Night and watched results coming in, though, the word that kept coming to mind was progress, and it’s still there.   Progress was in my head mostly as a comfort word, but you know – details, right?   I don’t know about other folks, but overwhelm can be a big issue for people in the writing profession. You have big projects, … Read more

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BOOK TOUR: His Best Man by Elle Keaton

His Best Man - Elle Keaton

Rod Beton and Travis Walker have known each other a long time; since the second grade when Rod was the new kid in town and Travis befriended him with Pokémon trading cards and a fruit snack. Apparently Rod’s easy. Since that day they’ve had each other’s back’s, bread and butter, biscuit and gravy…and so on…His Best Man by Elle Keaton

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Words: History

I gave some real thought to what word to use for this month.  I’ll admit that most of the words I came up with weren’t exactly kind.  I’m sure you can figure out why, if you follow US current events at all.  Current events got me thinking, though, about history.  Who gets to write history?  In particular, who gets to write the history of marginalized people, especially those of us whose mere existence was considered taboo to mention even fifty years ago?   The old saying is that history is written by the victors, and to some extent that’s accurate.  The stories of wars fought, and which side was right … Read more

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NEW RELEASE: Rebuilding Hope by Jessie G

Rebuilding Hope - Jessie G - Kindred

AUTHOR NAME: Jessie G BOOK NAME: Rebuilding Hope SERIES NAME:  A Kindred Story, Book #1 PUBLISHER: Jessie G Books, Inc. PAGE/WORD COUNT: 200 pages, 64K words CATEGORIES: Gay, Contemporary, Shifter COVER MODELS: TankJoey & Connor Jay PHOTOGRAPHER: CJC Photography COVER ARTIST: Andrew Reyna BUY LINKS: Amazon Universal BLURB: Holden Bancroft was born with a better than average brain and not much else. Often described as strange and sickly, his attempts to conform only made him look foolish and a life-long diet of pills hasn’t provided a cure. Deciding to strengthen the only tool in his arsenal was liberating and learning became his greatest joy. But each episode is another reminder … Read more