AJ Sherwood believes in happily ever afters, magic, dragons, good men, and dark chocolate. She often dreams at night of delectable men doing sexy things with each other. In between writing multiple books (often at the same time) she pets her cats, plays with her dogs, and attempts insane things like aerial yoga.
She currently resides in Michigan with aforementioned dogs and cats. Being in snow country gives her the excuse to stay inside and watch bl dramas, which suit her perfectly.
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Books By AJ Sherwood
Word Count: Click here to reveal90000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Salem’s guide to making a dragon break up with him: Step 1: Don’t sleep with him. (No, seriously, don’t.) And definitely don’t let him into your apartment, he won’t leave. Step 2: Deny being mates and don’t fall in love with him. …Step one and two failed. Gregori is too stubborn and irresistible. Salem is currently taking suggestions that don’t involve giving in to his feelings. (Please note, do not try making the dragon jealous. Jealousy sex is too much fun and cannot be resisted. This will backfire.) Tags: One-night stand, ha! just kidding, surgeons be stubborn, no seriously Salem is the king of stubborn, Gregori is stubborn too, how to woo a reluctant mage 101, idiots to lovers, idiots to still idiots, no change on that front, ice dragons can burn up the sheets, more dragon cuddles, broken magic, Brazil, medical magic, mate fog can be dangerous, Rodrigo despairs of his dragons, Ha Na is Very Disappointed, that scares everyone, Sam is ready to throat punch Salem, Russian food is magical, all the cameos, age of mages, Ravi and his twins haven’t burned down the world, yet, 3 a.m. is a perfectly valid time for naked bonding ceremonies

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: For the record, putting the Sousa clan to sleep for five hundred years is not Amaru’s fault. At least he’s found his two, count ‘em two sexy, hunky, adorable, overprotective dragon mates because of it, and they’ll help him wake up his clan. So why. Are his mates. AVOIDING HIM? Especially Luka. This should not be as hard as they’re making it. What’re the proper tools to fix relationship problems? Is it screwdrivers? Tags: Chaos thine name is Amaru, one keeper is not sufficient, hence triad, lost clans, malfunctioning magic, confused dragons, the whole enchilada, 500 years is one hell of a power nap, zipper are awesome, Ravi has twins, pray, relationships are work, hope is too, who needs sleep when there is nookie, don’t touch the screwdrivers, all unattended electronics will be taken apart, breaking traditions, dragon cuddles are the best cuddles

Word Count: Click here to reveal75000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Samuel has one goal in life: fix his broken core. What does he not want? A bossy, overprotective, possessive, teasing dragon sticking his nose in business that is not his. Even if he is sexy. And supports Samuel on his quest to find the lost Sousa Mage Clan. Utterly beside the point. He does not need a dragon boyfriend. (Un)fortunately, Dimitri disagrees. Tags: Ice dragons, Brazil, fated mates, dragon shifters, not mpreg, found family, true acceptance, hurt/comfort, broken cores, lost clans, magical creatures, beware of stompers, fun with waterfalls, snowball fights in summer, ice dragons know how to stay cool, Dimitri licked him and now he’s his, overprotective and grumpy, calming cuddles, seriously Dimitri needs all the cuddles, booby traps, Sam was not trying to seduce Dimitri, it was the cuteness that snuck under Dimitri’s guard, communication, because miscommunication is the devil’s trope, Dimitri has a weakness for sassy intellects, who knew, Dimitri is a walking air conditioner, Sam approves

Word Count: Click here to reveal120000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay, Non Binary (Click here to hide)
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a stunningly gorgeous mage named Nikki. They were trapped by evil, horrible Jaeggi mages for ten long years until they were rescued by the brave dragon named Gunter. The grumpy red knight swept in, carrying them off to a fair castle, where they lived happily ever after. That’s how the story’s supposed to go, anyway. Nikki would really like to have that fairytale ending, please and thank you. It’s too bad Gunter is oblivious and the Jaeggi are interfering. Nikki may just have to cook up some explosions to help both situations along, because they’re determined to get their happily ever after. Is there a magic how-to guide on things that go boom? Tags: non-binary MC, Grumpy and Sunshine, it’s basically the air we breathe, Gunter needs a hug, Nikki likes to give them, crippling crush at first sight, Nikki has trust issues, for good reason, Nikki’s determined, Gunter is oblivious, mis-used poetry, Alric and Gunter are once again banned from drinking together, ever, schmoop, wall sex, the tongue thing is awesome, all hail Gunter’s tongue, violence, because bad guys, Nikki feels that explosions are an appropriate response to everything, Cameron and Nikki are explosion buddies, Nikki has mixed feelings on high heels, fairytales do come true

Word Count: Click here to reveal120000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay, Pansexual (Click here to hide)
Summary: Secret identities are hard to keep. Sora finds this to be doubly true after meeting the struggling Burkhard Clan and the mischievous Ravi. The wind dragon has stolen his breath, and heart, away. Sora suspects he might have found his mate. But his inability to be truthful with Ravi eats at Sora. When the Jaeggi attack, Sora can’t keep his secrets any longer. Not when Ravi is in the center of the war raging around them. He has to reveal who he really is. It’s the only way to be with Ravi and give the Burkhards the help they need. Sora’s secret could tip the scales to save them all. Tags: There’s tropes, and then there’s this book, Ravi has impulse issues, in Ravi’s defense he was left unsupervised, you’re only in trouble if you get caught, secret identity, only Ravi could have a meet-cute like this, Ravi attempts romance, it's bad, no its really really bad, thank god for it, bored mages get into stuff, mothers with an agenda, hurt/comfort, somehow the comfort part involves tacos, Ravi is a corruptive influence, Sora is a willing corruptee, chaos incarnate, protective mate, bad guys ramp it up to the next level, Sora has an ace up his sleeve, and is not afraid to use it, Bat-Ravi

Word Count: Click here to reveal37000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: North has a map of Europe, a dragon scale, and a little bit of magic. He’s currently short a dragon, but all in good time, right? Right. Because he can totally dodge dangerous men and frustrated calls from his family, all while searching for a dragon during the Christmas season. He’s got this. Christmas wishes do come true with a little magic, after all. Tags: Tropey tropes a lot, fated mates, dragon shifters, mages on a quest, because North’s finding a dragon, that’s happening, European road trip at Christmas, found family, true acceptance, twinks and makeup, shopping montage, steamy makeout session, because dragon fire, get it?, someone needs to fire the author, winter snuggles, poor Gunter had to put up with them, licking, not mpreg

Word Count: Click here to reveal130,000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay, Pansexual (Click here to hide)
Summary: A Mage’s List for Freedom: 1. Escape his evil, controlling clan. 2. Get a job. 3. Work magic on HIS terms. 4. Avoid all dragons. Tori was doing great until sexy dragon Baldewin interfered. Between the little gifts, constant protection, and the steadfast confidence from the overgrown lizard, Tori wonders if maybe that last step needs revising. He has no chance to consider it. Not before trouble called Jaeggi REALLY hits. Now he’s on the road trip from hell to the one place he’d never thought would be a safe haven. A clan of dragons. Assuming they make it, that is. Tags: Dragon shifters, mages, fated mates, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, not mpreg, interracial couple, road trip, No Flying, nope not even with a dragon, dwarf hunting in Poland, Tori needs allll the hugs, Baldewin is happy to supply them, dragons are ninjas, attempted kidnapping, mages being BAMF, insecurity, trust issues, Tori is an arse, Baldewin is adorable, Cassie is over it, virgin character, but not for long fufufufu, dysfunctional family, family of choice, magical realism, cuuuuudles, the authors regret nothing

Word Count: Click here to reveal125000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay, Pansexual (Click here to hide)
Summary: Cameron wants to make it clear that he did not go into the festival to find a dragon mate. Germany is supposed to be an escape. With a new mechanical engineering degree, a new job looming, and a whole life planned out that isn’t his, Germany seems like the best place to find himself. So how does he end up discovering his lost magic heritage, running from bad guys with a secret agenda, and being adopted by the not-so-extinct Fire Dragon clan? Cameron blames tall, dark, and sexy Alric, king of the Fire dragons. His fated mate. Because of course he is, and mates are meant to take the blame, right? It may take a hot second, but as Cameron learns more about the scarred Alric and the life he’s landed in, Cameron realizes that perhaps this is where he’s meant to be, magic and mates and kidnapping and all. Turns out coming to Germany wasn’t an escape but his awakening. Tags: Not-so-extinct, Shifter dragons, mages, fated mates, secret clans, epic libraries, hurt/comfort, age gap, not that Alric cares, magical heritage, mechanical engineers being BAMF, grumpy dragon kings being protective of their cute mates, really the cuteness is downright criminal, we might need a firehose for these two, or not, sass, so much sass, Ravi and Cameron are no longer allowed to be alone together, for reasons, dragons hoarding, when you live long enough statistics will get you, bats named Cheryl, beheadings, no damsels in distress here, just very unhappy mages, with trigger fingers, anyone have life hacks on how to get rid of kidnappers, Cameron is open to suggestions