Who IS Christine Wright?
Wow, that’s a deep philosophical question and a tough one. I’m not really sure yet. Yes, I’m almost fifty. Inside though, yeah, I’m probably thirty-five forever. In fact I believe that is the perfect age to be bitten by a vampire. Just old enough to have it somewhat together and young enough to still enjoy it. At fifty you start thinking about naps and staying home Friday nights.
I’ve been writing forever. Even as a child my father used to lock me outside to play but I’d go to the school yard with a notebook (okay, probably paper in a Trapper Keeper) and write ‘Space Stories’ with titles like The Red Planet of Doom. I bet you couldn’t guess that my favorite show was Star Trek. I didn’t know what shipping was back then but I totally shipped the doctor and the Captain. I was a kid and I dreamt of them kissing each other.
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Contact Information:
Email Address: christinewright221b@yahoo.com
Books By Christine Wright
Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Captain Quinn has always been the savior, rescuing his little human mate Del from every unlikely predicament. Even with Quinn’s protective nature and Del’s tendency to find trouble, they balance each other. The mated pair are ecstatic, anxiously awaiting the birth of their twins, when disaster strikes. A mysterious illness waylays the Captain, leaving Del in charge. Being the Captain leaves Del in a bind--pregnant, a magnet for trouble, Del struggles to find his feet and keep everyone safe. All their lives are deeply impacted by Del’s command decision to seek assistance from an old enemy. Brync and Kai fear Kai’s parents won’t accept their blossoming relationship. When Kai is ordered to return home Brync must make the decision of his life. Rathian Raider Hastor, annoyed that he’s been mated to a Xolian, plans to ignore the spoiled, whiny, green-eyed alien until he dies from exposure to the desert climate. But Braxx may be more interesting and resilient than Hastor first expected. Now if those babies would just arrive on time and follow their fathers well laid out plan, life could get back to normal.

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Just when he thought he was safe… Trouble seemed to find Del no matter what he did. He got caged as a pet to a fly, caught in a trap as food, chased by a crazy, saw-wielding doctor and found himself mated to an alien Captain. One year after the consummation of their relationship Del thought that trouble was far behind him. Little did he know that life was going to get far more challenging and dangerous than ever before. Quinn too was ready to get some rest and relaxation. But something strange followed them aboard the Narada Marant, something with tentacles and a unique appetite for Xolians. If that wasn’t bad enough, a cunning, evil warlord had his sights on kidnapping and selling Del. Looked like another rescue mission was going to be needed. Getting pregnant would be the least of Del’s worries.

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Information not available
Summary: Unemployment is stressful enough—but throw in the threat of being tossed out the space station’s airlock as a vagrant, and human Del is in desperate need of employment. No job, no place to stay, Del wants nothing more than to be back out amongst the stars, preferably as a bridge crewmember. Trouble is, his dreams are bigger than his starship experience and years, and Del finally heads to a bar to drown his frustrations. Getting drunk might not have been the smartest thing to do—as he wakes in a strange, handsome alien’s bed, with no memory of the night before. When that strange alien calls him mate, Del thinks that maybe all his problems are over. He finally has a job. Or does he? Quinn wants love and a family, but his duty as captain to a Xolian space cruiser leaves little time for forging relationships. When drunk and adorable human Del propositions him in a space bar, begging to be his first mate, Quinn hopes that maybe he can have both duty and love. Until the next morning, when the alcohol wears off and cultural barriers and misunderstandings set off a chain reaction of mayhem, mischief, and trouble that follows Del wherever he goes. A relationship that began as a mistake may become something more—bound by love and desire, and all they must do now is survive the journey. **Gay sci-fi romance featuring a sassy human, an irascible alien captain, and adventure beyond both their dreams.**