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CJ Barlowe

CJ Barlowe is an author of MM romance and the alter ego of CJ Warrant. CJ writes hard edge romance with all the feels. There's always a happily ever after, even though there's casualties of the heart. Addicted to coffee, loves her family and great friends, CJ's stories will always lead you in the mood for love.

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Books By CJ Barlowe

Word Count: 212

Character Identities: Gay

Summary: Making it to Rocktoberfest will be a feat when a crazed fan goes after Danny Raven Wells, the lead singer of Warrior Black. On the cusp of launching its first major album, Danny has to navigate the band’s quick rise to fame, a stalker that’s willing to kill, and an infuriating bodyguard Danny’s falling for. Tobias Grant has only two jobs: to protect the lead singer and deliver him safely to Rocktoberfest. Falling fast for the talented rocker, who somehow got under his defenses, isn’t one of them. However, Tobias will do whatever it takes, even putting himself in the line of fire, to get Danny on stage before the deranged fan hurts another person. In this close proximity ballad, Danny and Tobias must make compromises, but will their new relationship survive the days of music and danger?

Killer Notes - CJ Barlowe - Rocktoberfest 2023
Killer NotesPairings: M-M