Eric is an American Midwesterner, and as Lady Glenhaven might say, “He’s old enough to have sailed with Noah.” In the real world he writes for a living, with some who would claim what he writes is fiction. His partner of thirty years—who died unexpectedly in 1995—enthusiastically encouraged him to try to get his writing published (mostly poetry back then, plus some short stories), he didn’t have the guts to do so until 2013. At this point he’s not sure which was officially first, The Song, or Like a Mountain, Waiting. He’s since published a total of 15 books, with one more to come in 2018, and hopefully two in 2019.
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Email Address: eawestfall43@gmail.com
Books By Eric Alan Westfall
Word Count: Click here to reveal47053 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: It’s the last straw when three prudish pigs play a nasty trick on the set. So where else would Wolf go to plan the perfect payback, but Harry’s Behind the Scenes Bar, Baths & Grill? Soaking wet when he arrives at the back door, Harry’s dragon-magick fireplace soon gets Wolf’s fur mostly dry. Shifting to his human, silver-hair-to-his-bare-butt self, he’s almost done when the door opens again. And what to his wondering eyes does appear but a trio of boorish boar brothers—without a single reindeer!—all in a row from short to not-very-tall: Guy, Gresham and Grant Graham. Wolf’s idea is so brilliant, it’s definitely dawn coming up like thunder, “outer China ‘crost the Bay.” (Wolf really likes Kipling). A maybe mean, surely sneaky, snake-in-Eden idea. Payback is a dish best served hot...and hard. Join the fun as payback plays out. There’s help from Tom Thumb, fine food, expensive bottles of Harry’s Dragon’s Own Special Reserve wine (the only thing which gets a shifter drunk), Death by Chocolate, Lady Flame, a private tour of the baths. Plus rooms of straw and sticks and bricks, and an Easter Egg, which might be hiding in Manhattan. Fair warning: there’s a lot of huffing and puffing as part of the plan. Just not at doors. 47,053 words in the story

Word Count: Click here to reveal152612 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: It’s April of 1816 in Another England. And Jeremy—a whore from the Dock—is living in a guest bedroom in the London home of the (in)famous Iron Marquess, with over fifteen days missing from his life. For someone who remembers everything from his third birthday on, it’s unnerving not to know. Fine, fourteen days for the coma and the infection delirium, with a couple of brief remembered moments. But those first thirty-six hours. Do they explain how he got hurt, how he got to Ireton House, and why his lordship’s mountain-sized valet is taking care of him? Or why his ironness looks at him with nothing iron at all in his eyes? Jeremy and the Iron Marquess both have dark secrets. Toss in a forced engagement, an inheritance, a scheme to clap Jeremy in Bedlam, a wall in a hall with paintings to the left and waiting emptiness to the right, the revelation of the missing hours, a problem with plumage, some numbered accounts, and a long sea voyage, and even with incredible sex, humor, Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll, and a fabulous toy collection, it all seems to mean there’s no way out of the snares surrounding them. Or is the old saying true: where there’s a waltz, there’s a way? 152,612 words of story (roughly 508 pages in a mass market paperback) All royalties will go to a local LGBT organization.

Word Count: Click here to reveal81383 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: A tennis match? Starting a war between the Duchy of Avann and the Kingdom of the Westlands? Only in a fairy tale. When Prince Henry hurts a young ball boy who told him Danilo’s ball was inside the line, Danilo’s response is automatic. Punch the prince’s face, pick him up left-handed, and break the royal jaw. Unfortunately, there’s another “automatic” at work in the Westlands: a death sentence for whoever strikes royalty. King Hiram can’t—won’t—change the rule of law to rule by royal whim. But he grants the Heir of Avann fifteen days to find words which will persuade him to let Danilo live. In those fifteen days: Magick. The gods, goddesses and gender-fluid deities on Deity Lane. Kilvar, the assassin. A wallet which opens in a bank vault. A mysterious old man. The Lady of All. The Magickal Hand writing, rewriting. A fairy tale within a fairy tale. A huge horse called Brute. And at the end...perhaps the right words and a most unexpected love. Plus a deity-supplied dinner with just the right amount of garlic. 81,383 words of story.