Early life for James Brock was on a homestead in central Alaska with no electricity or running water and an outhouse he still remembers with dread on cold mornings. The log cabin was lined with book laden shelves which served not only as a layer of insulation but entertainment for the family of voracious readers.
James first published work was an essay in One Teenager in Ten by gay pioneer press Alyson Publications. He is stupidly happy that this small book was reprinted by Warner communications and was featured in the center of a window display for the late Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookstore on Christopher street.
More essays with Alyson, The Seattle Gay News, The Seattle Standard (defunct) were published and for over twenty years James sold erotic fiction (ok, porn...) to every gay adult magazine then on the market. He also sold one line comedy material to Miss Joan Rivers and Miss Phyllis Diller.
When the magazines went the way of the dinosaur he finally got serious and self published his first novel, a comic murder mystery.
Soon after that he began working with a publisher and now has about fourteen gay romance novels and two family biographies on the market. His second novel, Tailor Made, made James an Amazon Bestselling author.
James lives in Seattle with indoor plumbing and no plan to return to Alaska.
Contact Information:
Email Address: JBrock1012@aol.com
Books By James Brock
Word Count: Click here to reveal74K (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Alaska! The great land and final frontier. For Kodiak DePaul the move from his homestead home in the wild to the city was like going from Midtown Manhattan to Mars, nothing in the new environment was easy. After tragedy strikes the young homesteader runs back to the north, where a deadly intruder stalks him in what he thinks is his only safe spot. Mucklucked, a fast paced romantic adventure set against a backdrop of the rugged Alaskan wilderness.