My day job may be in business, but at heart I am a writer. I have been writing science fiction and fantasy since I was twelve. I love including characters and themes across the LGBTQ spectrum in my work, as we all deserve to see ourselves in the characters we read.
I live in Sacramento, California with my husband, two kids, and a cat and cockatiel. When I’m not at work, writing, or chasing my kids, I can be found catching up with TV shows, drawing, or even sewing costumes.
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Contact Information:
Email Address: contactme@kellyhaworth.com
Books By Kelly Haworth
Word Count: Click here to reveal35000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealBisexual, Gay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Also written by Karen Blakely, Jenniffer Lee, RA Gates, and Cheryl Mahoney You think you know the story – prince gets cursed, girl meets Beast, they fall in love and live happily ever after. If only it was that simple. But dating is tough even in the best of circumstances. Ever since the fateful day when we let that horrible Good Fairy into the castle, our lives have been on hold. When she turned our bad-tempered prince into a Beast, she lumped us, his loyal servants, into the curse too, just because she assumed his rude behavior was our fault. Theodore the butler should never have let her in, and the rest of us should have helped bar the door. Now Theodore is an armchair, and we’re all trying to carry on our duties as a piano, a coat rack, a bookcase and the like. At least we have Robert to clean up the pink sparkles piling in the corners from the Good Fairy’s curse, since he’s a mop now. We know we just need the Beast to fall in love to break the spell. We’re all doing whatever we can to help him find True Love, one visitor at a time, hoping the right person finally comes along–but will the Beast ever learn to love?

Word Count: Click here to reveal35000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealBisexual, Lesbian (Click here to hide)
Summary: Who says phone games are only for kids? Sometimes they give just the respite you need from a hectic life. At least, that’s the way Ann feels about Ani-min Move, an AR mobile game full of cartoon animals caught with nets. Legendary raids have just launched, and Ann arrives at a nearby park to find it full of people of all ages playing the game, including Rachael, a kind, attractive single mom. And sweet! Rachael is more than willing to teach Ann the proper way to spin her nets to snag the raid boss. Back in reality, Ann has a lot on her plate: a full workload as a project manager, finding the energy to walk her dog, Franny, and now trying to figure out if Rachael is queer. And how does Ann converse with Rachael about her six-year-old son when she doesn’t know a thing about parenting? Ann is lost as to how to proceed until Rachael takes the guesswork out of the equation by proclaiming she’s bi—right when Ann gets a massive work assignment that consumes way too much of her time. Life/work balance was never Ann’s forte, but between caring for her sweetheart dog and figuring out how to navigate a relationship with a single parent, Ann’s determined to make it work, especially before Rachael gets cold feet and leaves Ann playing by herself. So, collect those ultra-nets, Ann. Can you catch her?