Kris Jacen grew up just north of Boston, Massachusetts, met her soldier in high school but didn’t marry him until almost ten years later. She moved around with him and their daughters (born in two different states thanks to the Army) for the first 19 years of their marriage (they celebrated their silver anniversary in 2018) before settling in western New York.
She has been the Editor in Chief and Formatting Director for ManLoveRomance Press and its imprints since January of 2008 and has never looked back. Working with the amazing authors at MLR has allowed her to both hone her editorial skills and indulge her inner fangirl. She also acts as editor, mentor and sounding-board for newcomers which lets her “pay-it-forward” and help authors realize their dreams.
You can find out more about Kris on her website www.krisjacen.com.
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Contact Information:
Email Address: krisjacen@gmail.com
Books By Kris Jacen
Word Count: Click here to reveal34,323 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: It’s taken years for Dawson’s band, AudioLock, to finally ‘make it’. Okay, maybe they hadn’t made it yet but they were invited to perform on the big stage at Roctoberfest. Driving the beat of the band warmed his soul but Dawson really wished there was someone to warm his heart and bed. Ben Williams’ passion for music and theater is all-encompassing but he doesn’t have a talented bone in his body. However, he does have the mind and personality to manage everything that happens when the curtain goes up. His ultimate goal of being a stage manager for a major rock band is in sight. He didn’t think anything could change his focus until a certain drummer appeared on Ben’s stage. Dreams within reach, are Ben and Dawson willing to change so they can sync rhythms together?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Chief Warrant Officer Leif Hansen didn’t know if he was staying or going. He’d been in the Navy for nineteen years, fifteen of them doing something he loved — diving. He wasn’t sure he wanted to retire at twenty or stay in longer but what did he have waiting for him? An apartment without so much as a house plant. Oooh, he could always move back in with his mother — big nope on that. Aaron Templeton loved volunteering as a coach for youth football. A way for him to give back to the community that had meant so much to his grandfather. Taking on overzealous parents is par for the course, unfortunately. With the season winding down, it was time for him to stock up on reading material. His job had him in the snow and cold all day, no way he was doing something outside when he wasn’t working. When two confirmed bachelors that have given everything to their country and community meet, Cupid aims his arrows. Let’s hope he’s a good shot.

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: From when he was a boy, Joe Talbot knew that there were other creatures out there. He even geared his college degree so he could prove to his parents — and maybe the world — some myths were true. Rod please-don’t-use-my-full-name Macintosh had to fight his family for them to believe that he didn’t want to leave the lake permanently. Yes, it’s a parent’s job to make their children self-sufficient but why couldn’t he do that where he grew up? Besides, his Ness kept telling Rod to be patient, that their mate would come back to them. Can love be more important to Joe than revealing myths? Rod hopes so because his Ness won’t have another, and he didn’t think he could live without his Ness.

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Jeremy Riley fell in love with sailing when he was a troubled teen and sent away to camp for the summer. Now he’s sailing for a living. Getting a bachelors in vessel operations was the best thing that he could’ve done. Most of the year, he’s on the ship helping with hands-on education for the New England Maritime Academy. The bright spot in Kendall Winters’ life is his daughter, three-year-old Savannah. How his sister had deserted Savy when she was diagnosed with cancer and needed her the most boggled his mind. Her loss was his gain — and there was no way he was ever giving Savy back to her. Now if he could find someone to share Savy’s highs and lows with, that would be amazing. A summer trip to the Tall Ship Festival to get away from his parents and let Savy explore ‘boats’ seems like the best idea. Sun and sea for him and Savy sounded perfect to him. Add in a gorgeous sailor with eyes that sparked with mirth? Sign him up.

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Garrett Flores was back where he belonged with his family and conclave. Getting the job with the Oregon park service as a ranger had sealed the deal. Now if he could find a partner to share it with, that would be amazing. Getting the grant to study the effects the wildfires were having on invasive species was the feather in Doctor Robert Brown’s cap. His mom kept telling him that he needed to find someone special, but he wasn’t sure she was right. Thrown together by their professions, something sparks between the two men. Could it be fate had brought them together?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Show respect whether your belief is strong or non-existent. Growing up with archeologist parents practically guaranteed that Eric would study other cultures, how could he not when his first childhood memory is visiting the tombs at Giza. Doctor Eric Hoffman has held his beliefs in other cultures and religions as the cornerstone of his life and career. After losing Joel, his husband of ten years, to an attack while they were visiting in New Orleans, he’s hoping a year later that if he visits the Gates of Guinee and makes his offerings, he’ll see his dead husband again. Steven Mallery has two loves in his life — books and Eric Hoffman. Only one problem, there’s no room in Eric’s heart for him as more than just a friend. Steven had stood by and watched Eric fall for and marry Joel while they were all in college; Christ, he’d been their best man. For the past year, Steven has held a grieving Eric, tamping down his joy at maybe having a chance at the only man he’d ever love. Helping Eric research the Gates of Guinee might have been the stupidest thing Steven has ever done. Messing with loa Baron Samedi wasn’t the smartest thing but making Eric happy is Steven’s only goal. Can the power of the spirits guide Eric to closing his heart to Joel while opening it to Steven? Maybe Steven needed to make his own offerings.

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Things are changing too fast for Camp Gallagher. Between renovations at his pub, his grandda’s declining mental state and additions to the family with his brother’s mate and his sister’s new baby, he’s just not sure how much more he can handle. Dr. Wyatt Robertson has always been focused on proving things exist. Bigfoot, the Chupacabra, the Jersey Devil and his holy grail – Nessie. Chances of him getting to Scotland are low but he’s not that far from its cousin, Champ. What can happen when a Ness and a scientist have a one-night stand? Will the scientist protect his mate or will the glory of revealing a new species be more attractive?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Sergeant First Class Remington Clemson is praying that his latest assignment in battalion operations is going to be his ticket to the promotion list. He just needs a break after the last deployment and the fallout from the investigation into the rogue platoon. Rem hadn’t been on the ground when they lost their collective mind, but the entire company felt the wrath of the commanders. If he could get the images he saw out of his mind, then maybe he could give up the alcohol. Noah Mullvaney grew up a military brat watching his father and “uncles” deploy regularly. His mom made every house a home, but he remembers his mother’s stress with his father overseas and all he brought home with him. Losing part of his hearing from a ruptured eardrum made Noah’s life a bit more of a struggle each time they moved. He’s hoping that getting his masters at Gallaudet, will help him move beyond the little boy with hearing problems to someone that can help children like him. When two men on different paths that are fighting to gain acceptance meet, will their individual fights push them apart or make them stronger…together?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: They say you can find just about anything in a book but who knew you could find love in a bookstore? Riley’s world is upended when he gets a call from the police that his uncle’s in the hospital. Evan’s schedule is turned upside down when he’s in charge of his yaya’s care while his parents are on vacation. Both men have their hands full but it seems fate has something else for them. Seems love in the stacks might be just what each of them needs.

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Calvin and Camden Luna — why yes, their dad is a big baseball fan— have moved around the world with their parents. Their father has been in the military since before they were born. Proud of their father and uncles and all they’ve done, neither of them is sure the military is for them. Cam is a fantastic baseball player and Cal loves the science of everything. Haven’t they given enough? Tristan Nolan and Maddy Holt both grew up as military kids too, but neither of their fathers moved them around as much as the twins. Maddy wants to save the planet and capture the heart of Calvin Luna… if he’d only open his eyes. Tris has grown up wanting to follow in the footsteps of those before him. But can he be himself — out and proud —serve and protect his country and end up with the one he’s loved for as long as he can remember? What can happen when you grow up a military brat with the ties that they have with their fathers’ close friends and their families? Find the love of your life almost from the start? Or find out that maybe you’re all too close for anything else?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Ric/hard “Tank” Martin was a big boy from the start. Born weighing over 11 pounds, he didn’t stop growing. When he was in middle school, a football coach took him under his wing and finally explained to him the mystery of calories in, calories out and from then on it was all good for him. At least he thought. Being called to meet with his platoon sergeant and told that he was now part of the Army’s overweight program, sent him into a spin that only his crews can help him out of. Dr. Jack Dillon thought his life was good and finally settled. Part of an active veterinarian practice, volunteering with a service dog organization, spoiling his sister’s triplets and training in sports jui-jitsu…the only thing missing was a partner. He never thought that his world could be shattered with just a phone call even after being around his military friends. Tank and Jack have been dancing around each other for months until Tank takes a chance and kisses Jack at their friends’ wedding moving their slow dance into a heated bump and grind. Can these two survive the changes coming their ways together or will all the changes break them apart?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Tandy has never fit in with the others at the North Pole, whether it’s his size or love for computers. But he wants to contribute to the mission of making the world’s children happy. Every elf does. Taking time away from his baby — a new process for the Nice and Naughty lists — to do the yearly census on the Isle of Misfit Toys just doesn’t fit into his schedule. It seemed like every time El turned around, there was another elf getting under foot for a census. Did the elves think that toys just disappeared from the Isle? And those that arrived were accounted for before they arrived. All El wanted at this point in his life was to become a baker at the North Pole. He’d had the love of a child already and Jack Frost did it hurt when he was no longer in his heart. Maybe if he avoided the elf this year, they’d just leave him to his cookies. Can the magic of the holidays bring these two together? El and Tandy both need help healing and isn’t Christmas the season of miracles?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Check off the bucket list? Maybe Love should be added to the list? David Rowan spends his days crunching numbers and his nights watching history or travel shows. He’d been out of school for four years when a note from a fraternity brother reminded him of his “Bucket List” that they’d made up one year for pledges at the fraternity as a ‘get to know the brothers’ activity. But maybe it was time for him to take his list and make it a reality. Loch Gallagher—yes, his ma had a sense of humor—lives and swims in and around Loch Ness just a little south of Inverness, Scotland. Okay, every time he went for a swim in the Loch, he did cause a stir. Shite, with the inventions of the camera and the smartphone, a Loch Monster couldn’t even get in a swim without someone taking a picture. When David decided to take his ‘trip of a lifetime’ to Loch Ness, how was he to know that everything he’d always known was going to be thrown out the window? Loch had always scoffed at his ma’s declarations that when he was least expecting it, his mate would show up on his doorstep. The unlikely pair discovers that maybe they’re not so unlikely at all. Can they find a balance between love and reality and make a life together?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Briar Mason joined the Army to find himself after he believed the lies that had gone around about his best friend, Carter, and his sister. He should have known that Carter wouldn't do those things but family was family, right? He'll find out who his real family is when he's injured and sent back to the states. Not-telling-you-my-first-name Randolph was about to hit ten years in the Army and had some amazing assignments but one had eluded him until now – Ranger School. Coming from being assigned to the Presidential Salute Battery was going to be the best thing for him since training was emphasized. Should be easy, right? Briar and Randolph met when Briar had stopped to apologize to Carter and Randolph was in full-on protective mode. Can these two find a middle ground while challenging themselves and each other to be better?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Josiah "Siah" Kent has always loved learning; now he's living his dream of teaching children to love it too. After getting his degrees in New Orleans, he accepted a teaching position outside of Washington DC. What a better place to be able to teach and continue learning? Sergeant Carter May joined the Army right out of high school. He's always struggled to succeed in school but has found a place in the military but has dreamed of getting a college degree--he'd be the first in his family if he did. Being stationed with the Presidential Firing Battery at Arlington National Cemetery will give him the opportunity to take the chance, but will he risk failing? A chance meeting years ago in New Orleans, had sparks flying between Siah and Carter. Another chance encounter between the ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, blow those sparks into a full flame. Can Siah and Carter find some common ground to learn more about each other and a possible future together?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: The Army is the only thing that First Sergeant Danny Glenn has known in his adult life. From the age of nineteen on, he's worn a uniform every day. He's seen so much in his twenty years but the last deployment did something to him. Danny's begun to wonder if he can't do more good helping people in the US instead of other countries but to do that he'd have to get out. Doctor Liam MacNamara is finishing up the last of his residency in Emergency Medicine. Now's the tough part, which offer to accept. He could stay in New Orleans where shifts are never dull or choose to uproot and experience somewhere different. College followed by medical school and then residency are the only things he's known since he was eighteen. There's got to be more out there, right? Can a retired first sergeant and a brand-new doctor balance each other enough to explore their options together?

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: The hardest job is waiting. Master Sergeant Jeff "Mackey" MacNamara has been waiting for THE ONE for years. First it wasn't too safe to find a partner and now his schedule is a nightmare with training soldiers and deployments. Scott Ash has found where he always was meant to be after a brief bout of idealistic do-gooder after college. He loves his job as a child care director, if he could just find someone to love -- perfect might cover it. A chance meeting when Scott is doing a favor for a friend starts them on a journey that could take them to forever, it's just a matter of waiting.