Life is full of exciting opportunities and unless we are careful, all too often, too late we discover others we have either missed or been too afraid to grasp. Some years back now, Val had the chance to live on a property in Central Queensland for a year. At the time having recently arrived from the UK, Val had no idea what the real outback would be like, and the trip from Sydney to the property turned out to be one that opened Val’s eyes as to the enormity of Australia. Absent were any reminders of the verdant green fields of the UK countryside as Queensland was at the time in the grip of a major drought where brown had become the standard colour of the landscape. Finally arriving at the property, the lessons began. The challenge of saddling up a horse that doesn’t want to be was inevitably followed by the far more difficult test of staying up there when your horse had other ideas. With thousands of sheep lambing at the time, Val soon learned which end of the sheep was for eating and which was for… Perhaps the most important lesson learned in the Bush was not to get too friendly or try making pets of an animal that might be a lamb roast the next day. Eventually heading back to Sydney Val never made it that far and fell in love with Brisbane which was to become home. Apart from earning a living, Val has enjoyed stage acting, relishing the opportunity to stand on a stage in front of an audience and become a different character for an hour or two. At the same time, Val also wrote for the stage and earned enough dollars from it to starve. Since then, Val has worked at a lot of different things, traveled extensively in Australia and overseas, painted and lead a full life. These days, living on the Gold Coast in Eastern Australia, Val has finally returned to writing. Spending six days a week at the keyboard, transferring imagined characters and their stories to the page, Val has a passion for writing M/M Romance. When not typing away, Val and partner will mostly be found either with their dog, Barney, taking long walks by the ocean or traveling the world somewhere.
Contact Information:
Email Address: val_francis47@yahoo.com.au
Books By Val Francis
Word Count: Click here to reveal10645 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Their flight was a disaster, their transfers yet another catastrophe and to cap it off the resort doesn’t have a reservation for them. Ed didn’t want to make the trip to begin with, and now Gus will be made to suffer. Unfortunately, if the trip’s been bad for Ed, there is far worse in store for Gus, who has no idea what’s about to hit him. Welcome to the Rockies where there’s more than one kind of bear to worry about.

Word Count: Click here to reveal75000 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay (Click here to hide)
Summary: Charlie, though lousy at poker couldn't resist making the biggest bet of his life, a bet he was convinced he would win. Knowing that nobody stood a chance of getting his lover into bed while he spent six months in America, Charlie had few qualms in saying yes to Braden's suggestion. Convinced that no guy was capable of keeping it in his pants, Braden practiced what he preached and slept with as many different guys as he could. Rich, successful, and irresistible, Braden knew the seduction of Charlie's lover would be child's play - so why not bet on it? So, when Charlie says yes, the chain of events teaches them both a lesson and ends up with a result nobody expects.

Word Count: Information not available
Character Identities: Click here to revealGay, Straight (Click here to hide)
Summary: Zech Larsson, once married, would sooner run headlong into a raging bushfire than into another relationship. Catching sight of their latest recruit, a young, Anglo-Indian guy with a head of long black curls and kissable lips, instant attraction warns Firefighter Zech that he is in trouble, more so as he’s straight. Exiled to Kolar Creek by his homophobic father when he was caught with another boy, Nathan Harris fears that life in this quiet country town makes it the last place on Earth that he wants to be until he gets an eyeful of Zech in his uniform. Suddenly things are picking up, and Nathan decides that the Rural Fire Brigade needs him and he needs Larsson. In Kolar Creek, the temperature is heating up, and when Nathan’s training is left in Zech’s hands, a clash is inevitable as the man struggles with his feelings. Faced with temptation, their attraction spirals out of control as other factors soon come into play. Neither of their lives will ever be the same again as those who would do them harm use violence as a means of separating them. Before long it’s not only the bush that is on fire. Zech realizes that having Nathan in his bed might be a whole lot better than sleeping in it alone.

Word Count: Click here to reveal50700 (Click here to hide)
Character Identities: Click here to revealBisexual (Click here to hide)
Summary: Two straight guys sharing a sleeper…harmless…nothing’s likely to happen…is it? When Michael Broadhurst invites a total stranger to share his sleeper on the overnight train, he’s asking for trouble—not that his life could get any more complicated than it already is. After years of working on outback properties, Gazza Kelly is finally heading back to the city. With his criminal past behind him, Gazza has no plans until he’s invited to spend the night with a guy he’s never met before.