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Author Spotlight: Beck Grey

Beck Grey

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Beck Grey MM Contemporary Beck is a non-binary writer of sweet, sexy, LGBTQ happily ever afters. Why? Because everyone deserves all the happy! They live in the Northeastern United States with their two adorable dogs. Weekdays are spent working their day job, but nights and weekends are devoted to writing stories involving hot characters, favorite tropes, and happy endings. Any additional time includes reading, laughing with friends, drinking red wine, and playing D&D. If there’s cake involved at any point, it’s a win! YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Karenna Colcroft

Karenna Colcroft

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Karenna Colcroft MM Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Fantasy, Gaylit, Historical, Holiday, Paranormal Karenna Colcroft lives just north of Boston, Massachusetts, and has been in love with the city since childhood, though she has yet to encounter any werewolves, vampires, or other paranormal beings in her travels. At least none that she knows of. Though since in her non-writing life, under another name, she offers services as a channel and energy healing practitioner, it could be said that she herself is a paranormal being. The jury’s still out on that. Karenna is a polyamorous, nonbinary human who … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Fearne Hill

Fearne Hill

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Fearne Hill MM Contemporary, Gaylit Pronouns – she/her Fearne Hill lives deep in the southern British countryside with varying numbers of hens, a few tortoises and a beautiful cocker spaniel. When she is not overseeing her small menagerie, she enjoys writing contemporary romantic fiction. And when she is not doing either of those things, she is working as an anaesthesiologist. YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO THEIR NAME ON QRI

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Author Spotlight: Alex Jane

Alex Jane

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Alex Jane MM Contemporary, Historical, Holiday, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller, Western After spending years creating stories in her head, Alex started writing them down and then found she couldn’t stop. Despite the late start, she now writes m/m romance about found families, sometimes with a historical feel—and the occasional werewolf. Free from aspirations of literary greatness, Alex simply hopes to spin a good yarn of love and life, wrapped up with a happy ending. And if her characters have to go through Hell to get there, she’s a-okay with that. Alex writes and walks on the … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Jamie Sands

Jamie Sands

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Jamie Sands MM Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal Jamie is a non-binary, pansexual kiwi who’s always been wondering ‘what if’? They write stories about ghosts, monsters, magic, love and how the world could be. Jamie grew up in Wellington but now lives in Auckland with their wonderful spouse and a round cat. They also write sweet fluffy queer fiction under the name Jaxon Knight YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO THEIR NAME ON QRI

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Author Spotlight: Lillian Francis

Lillian Francis

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Lillian Francis MM Contemporary, Fantasy, Historical, Holiday, Military, Paranormal Lillian Francis is an English writer who likes to dabble in many genres but always seems to return to the here and now.Her name may imply a grand dame in pink chiffon and lace, but Lillian is more at home in jeans, Converse, and the sort of T-shirts that often need explaining to the populous at large but will get a fist bump at Comic-Con. Lillian is a self-confessed geek who likes nothing more than settling down with a comic or a good book, except maybe … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Sam E. Kraemer

Sam E. Kraemer

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Sam E. Kraemer MM Action Adventure, BDSM, Comedy, Contemporary, Dark Romance, Fantasy, Gaylit, Holiday, Military, Sports, Suspense, Western I’m Sam E. Kraemer and I grew up in the rural Midwest before moving to the East Coast with a dashing young man who swept me off my feet, and we’ve now settled in the desert of Nevada. I write M/M contemporary romance, subgenres: sweet, low angst, age-gap, cowboys, mysteries, and military/mercenary to name a few. I am a firm believer that “Love is Love” regardless of how it presents itself, and I’m a staunch ally of … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Hurri Cosmo

Hurri Cosmo

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Hurri Cosmo MM Action Adventure, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Erotica, Fantasy, Gaylit, Historical, Mystery, New Adult, Paranormal, Sci Fi, Suspense, Thriller, Western I live in Minnesota where I hold tight to the idea that here, where it’s cold a good part of the year, I won’t age as fast. Yep, I avoid the truth as much as I avoid mirrors. But one of the reasons I love writing is reality doesn’t always offer up a “happily ever after” and being able to take control of that is a powerful lure. Being a happy ending junkie, … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Sienna Moreau

Sienna Moreau

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Sienna Moreau MM Action Adventure, Paranormal Sienna Moreau is a dark MM romance author who likes to let the darker side of life come out to play. If you’re looking for morally grey characters, snark, mayhem and steamy situations then you’re in the right place. YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO THEIR NAME ON QRI

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Author Spotlight: Mattie Martinez

Matti Martinez

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Matti Martinez MM Mystery, Suspense Matti Martinez is a passionate storyteller and advocate for the unheard. A Southeast Iowa native, Matti channels a love for true crime podcasts (Crime Junkie, Morbid, That’s Spooky), documentaries, and the depths of unexplained mystery iceberg videos on YouTube into thrilling and heartfelt fiction. When not writing, Matti enjoys casual gaming and exploring narratives that delve into the complexities of humanity and justice. Matti masterfully combines a love for romance and thrillers, creating stories that raise awareness about the impact of human trafficking and its far-reaching effects on society. A … Read more