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Review: Blood Wine – Scarlet Blackwell

Blood Wine - Scarlet Blackwell

Genre: Paranormal, Gothic, Historical, Romance, Vampires LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book When vampires and humans mix, there will be blood… “Really, his conscience was too much. Istvan had taught him well.” In the dark hours, shell shock still claims vampire Sam for its own. He’s lonely and afraid of his new world, still tormented by flashbacks of the Somme. Once so close to his human friend, Stephen, he now feels isolated as he watches Stephen’s evolving love affair with the vampire Istvan. When Sam meets Janos, a human with a death wish who likes to play with vampires, it’s instant lust that soon … Read more

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Review: Axe to Grind – Gabbi Grey

Axe to Grind - Gabbi Grey

Genre: Contemporary, Rock “n” Roll LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Ed For ten challenging years, I’ve been the lead guitarist for the band I formed with my best friend Axel. Grindstone is on the verge of making it big. Which is why I’m livid when our manager brings in some snooping, scandal-chasing documentary producer to film our trip to Rocktoberfest. We’re about to hit the biggest stage of our career, and I’m worried this rich jerk, who has destroyed other celebrities, might uncover the secret I’ve kept hidden for years. I want to just ignore him, but as attraction sizzles, … Read more

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Review: Pirate Booty – Jules Radcliffe

Pirate Booty - Jules Racliffe

Genre: Historical, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Gay historical romance from the Golden Age of Piracy. Under threat of arrest, Ben fled England for the Caribbean, leaving behind everything except his hard-won skills as a gunsmith. He’s heard of the Brethren of the Coast, a rough brotherhood of men who take what they want and love where they please. If they’re welcome in Port Royal, why can’t Ben also build a life there? But the most sinful city in the New World is a dangerous place for new arrivals. Ben is saved from a dreadful fate by Robert Lightfoot, a pirate whose … Read more

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Review: Blood Kisses – Scarlet Blackwell

Blood Kisses - Scarlet Blackwell

Genre: Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book “You act like you hate me and I don’t know why. All I did was love you. It wasn’t a crime.”Ten years ago, the vampire Severin fell in love with the mortal Nikolaus in Vienna and abandoned him, rather than take his life. He and his friend, Istvan, are invited to the vampire king Emil’s castle where he finds out that Nikolaus now belongs to Emil. Jealousy eats Severin alive. The twin lusts of blood and sex are intertwined for all vampires, ruling their lives. The only way to possess Nikolaus now seems to be … Read more

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Review: Rocking Karma – Kaje Harper

Rocking Karma - Kaje Harper - Rocktoberfest 2023

Genre: Contemporary, Rock ‘n’ Roll LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Dax I’ve cut and run on my life more than once in my thirty-one years, leaving everything behind, even my name. Now I’m Dax Crow, long lost half-brother and mixing technician for Jameson Crow, the lead singer of Corvus Rising. I’m using my hard-won skills to help my brother make it big. The rest of the band are incidental to me, although new bass player Lane Bennett is a hot mess of young talent who urgently needs someone to take him under their wing. Not my job. I never get … Read more

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Review: Vampire Food – Holly Day

Vampire Food - Holly Day

Genre: Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, PRG Get It On Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Kobo | About The Book A former blood slave. A strapping vampire. More zucchinis than any man could eat. Rue Yarrow was rescued from a blood bar and taken to a gated community of supernaturals. Haunted by nightmares and memories, he does his best to avoid people. His only solace is his garden, where he uses his magic to grow an abundance of vegetables. But one day, it isn’t the zucchinis greeting him, but a severed human head. Noah Caramine wants as little drama as possible, and interfering with a vampire clan’s … Read more

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Review: Rocking Karma – Kaje Harper

Rocking Karma - Kaje Harper - Rocktoberfest 2023

Genre: Contemporary, Rock ‘n’ Roll LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Dax I’ve cut and run on my life more than once in my thirty-one years, leaving everything behind, even my name. Now I’m Dax Crow, long lost half-brother and mixing technician for Jameson Crow, the lead singer of Corvus Rising. I’m using my hard-won skills to help my brother make it big. The rest of the band are incidental to me, although new bass player Lane Bennett is a hot mess of young talent who urgently needs someone to take him under their wing. Not my job. I never get close to anyone. … Read more

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Review: Blood Tears – Scarlet Blackwell

Blood Tears - Scarlet Blackwell

Genre: Paranormal, Erotica, Historical, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book “What man will perpetrate on man. I’ve seen so much that I’m sick at heart. I could cry.”So says the mysterious man who appears one night in the British trench on the Western Front. Private Stephen Sutherland is deep into the soul-destroying horror of the Somme when the vampire Istvan finds him. The attraction is instant but Stephen, and his friend Sam, are about to go over the top and Istvan knows they will not survive. He’s not allowed to make new vampires, on orders of the vampire king, Emil, but Emil hasn’t … Read more

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Review: Ride Share – L.A. Witt & Cari Z

Ride Share - L.A. Witt & Cari Z.

Genre: Contemporary, Suspense LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon | Direct From Author About The Book The job is as simple as they ever are for members of the Collective: get in, fool the marks, and commit some devastating corporate espionage. For Miroslav Antanasijević—an expert at faking identities—it’s a high-stress gig, but one he’s used to. At least that’s how it starts. When it all goes wrong, Mirko barely escapes with his life… and only because a ride share driver comes to his rescue. Arlen Tate is just trying to finish his doctorate, help his sister through school, and leave his turbulent family life in the past … Read more

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Review: Save the World Anthology

Save the World Anthology

Genre: Sci-Fi, Hopepunk LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link | Liminal Fiction |  Goodreads About The Book Climate change is no longer a vague future threat. Forests are burning, currents are shifting, and massive storms dump staggering amounts of water in less than 24 hours. Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead and see a hopeful future. We asked sci-fi writers to send us stories about ways to save the world from climate change. From the myriad of stories we received, we chose the twenty most amazing (and hopefully prescient) tales. Dive in and find out how we might mitigate climate … Read more