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Review: Josh’s Play – Madalyn George

Josh's Play - Madalyn George - Hampstead Valley Boys

Genre: Contemporary, Sports, Hockey LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Josh Marchetti-Gordon is an average college student who loves to play the field and party with his best friend. He’s hooked up with closeted guys before, even a few closeted athletes, so what makes this one so special? Find out when Josh meets shy but determined hockey phenom Campbell Ryan in Josh’s Play, Book Four in the Hampstead Valley Series The Review Josh Marchetti-Gordon is a senior at Hempstead University, and is an out and happy young man. Everything changes for him when, trying to save his seven-year-old niece from drowning, … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: Resurrection Men – Steven Harper

Resurrection Men - Steven Harper

Steven Harper has a new MM historical romance out: Resurrection Men. And there’s a giveaway. Arthur Tor steals the dead for a living. As a resurrection man, he creeps around graveyards with his shovel, hoping to dig up corpses so he can sell them to the local medical college and pay his tuition there. He also holds a strange position in underground society. If someone is dying a slow, painful death, the family members come to Arthur and beg him to end their loved one’s pain. Arthur can never refuse, and he helps the dying cross the threshold without more pain in a process he calls the Black Rounds. Unfortunately, … Read more