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Author Spotlight: Karenna Colcroft

Karenna Colcroft

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Karenna Colcroft MM Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Fantasy, Gaylit, Historical, Holiday, Paranormal Karenna Colcroft lives just north of Boston, Massachusetts, and has been in love with the city since childhood, though she has yet to encounter any werewolves, vampires, or other paranormal beings in her travels. At least none that she knows of. Though since in her non-writing life, under another name, she offers services as a channel and energy healing practitioner, it could be said that she herself is a paranormal being. The jury’s still out on that. Karenna is a polyamorous, nonbinary human who … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Robert Winter

Robert Winter

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Robert Winter MM Action Adventure, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Holiday, Mystery, New Adult, Paranormal Robert Winter is a recovering lawyer who likes writing about hot men in love much more than drafting a legal brief. He left behind the (allegedly) glamorous world of an international law firm to sit in his home office and dream up ways to torment his characters until they realize they are perfect for each other. Robert lives in Provincetown, MA. He splits his attention between Andy, his partner of seventeen years, and Ling the Adventure Cat, who likes to fly … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Koko Klein

Koko Klein

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Koko Klein MM Contemporary, Erotic, Sports Koko Klein, writes inviting romance that brims with seduction, sensuality and spice. Her pages contain worlds where couples meet, make out, and find out they’re meant to be. Koko’s couples can’t get enough of each other and her readers can’t get enough of her books–she’s a bestselling Amazon author. When not writing or reading, she can be found making music at her piano or playing with her two crazy cats–sometimes both at the same time. Koko is inspired by her home city, beautiful Vienna, where she lives with her … Read more

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Author Spotlight: J.M. Dabney

J.M. Dabney

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: J.M. Dabney FF, MF, MM BDSM, Contemporary, Dark Romance, Erotic, Gaylit, Holiday, Lesfic, Mystery, Paranormal, Suspense USA Today Bestselling author J.M. Dabney is a multi-genre published writer of Body and Fat Positive Romance & Fiction. They live with a constant diverse cast of diverse characters in their head. They live for one purpose alone, and that’s to make sure everyone gets the happily ever after they deserve. There is nothing more they want from telling their stories than to show that no matter the package the characters come in or the damage their pasts have … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Eloreen Moon

Eloreen Moon

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Eloreen Moon MM Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Historical, Paranormal, Sci Fi Eloreen Moon is a pen name for a writer, reviewer, beta reader/editor, and reader of all things romance, including alternate lifestyle (LGBT) stories and novels. Inspiration is all around and life will not limit her to one particular topic. Her first story to publish is Charon’s Dilemma with the 2014 Love’s Landscape event from M/M Romance group on Her second story to be published is also with the Don’t Read in the Closet (DRitC) 2015 Love is an Open Road event is Coil Me … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Megs Pritchard

Meg Pritchard

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Megs Pritchard MM Action Adventure, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Suspense Megs Pritchard lives in England and is a mother to two small boys who drive her crazy! When she isn’t working or being a mummy, tearing her hair out or drowning her sorrows in alcohol, she is busy writing about complex characters that know the harsh realities of life but want a HEA. Megs writes both contemporary and paranormal romance and is working on two new series for 2019: a paranormal shifter series—title unknown, currently waiting for some inspiration from somewhere—and a contemporary … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Lou Sylvre

Lou Sylvre

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Lou Sylvre MM BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Holiday, Mystery, Suspense Lou Sylvre loves romance with all its ups and downs, and likes to conjure it into books. The sweethearts on her pages are men who end up loving each other—and usually saving each other from unspeakable danger. It’s all pretty crazy and often very, very sexy. How cool is that? She loves to hear from readers on her blog, Facebook or Twitter, or via e-mail. As if you’d want to know more, she’ll happily tell you that she is a proudly bisexual woman, a mother, … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Chance Christopher

Chance Christopher

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Chance Christopher MM BDSM, Comedy, Erotic, Erotica, Gaylit, Horror, Mystery, Suspense Chance Christopher is a writer who specializes in bringing fantasy to life. He grew up in Sin City and still currently lives there. He married the man of his dreams and settled down, but his imagination never quit. Visit his Facebook page to learn more about him and get exclusive details about his upcoming work. YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO THEIR NAME ON QRI

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Author Spotlight – Erin O’Quinn

Erin O'Quinn

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Erin O’Quinn MM Action Adventure, Comedy, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Historical, Holiday, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Sci Fi, Suspense Erin O’Quinn was born almost literally on the side of a mountain in Nevada and was hauled kicking and screaming into the nearest town, fifty miles away, to attend first grade. To this day, she claims to be kindergarten-deprived. O’Quinn earned a few degrees from the University of So. California, but her real education began on the back docks of the Las Vegas (NV) Review-Journal newspaper; on the good-old-boy car lots in Abilene, TX where she sold new … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Sadie Rose Bermingham

Sadie Rose Bermingham

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Sadie Rose Bermingham MM Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Sci Fi, Thriller Sadie is older than they think they are, and has spent most of that life creating characters that take the place of children and other worlds that sustain them when the Real World gets too much to handle. They are the parental unit of vegetarian, vampire rock-tart, Rayne Wylde, half-leprechaun rebel-rouser, Malachai Valentine and human/communications-media interface Dr. Mari Gale. Since the turn of the century they have written in collaboration with good friend and eternal muse, Bellora Quinn. Together Bellora and Sadie … Read more