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Review: A Little Bit of Magic – Lily Lamb

A Little Bit of Magic - Lily Lamb

Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Efe quits his job and sells his estate after finding his partner in bed with his best friend, starting a new life in a small town called Elmhurst. Then after a while, he begins to enjoy living in his large log cabin among the woods. The only thing he desired was a housekeeper. Things get complicated when Efe hires Samh, a mysterious arrival in town, as his housekeeper. The vows Efe made about single living, and Samh’s hopes for a new future come to a grinding halt when the two men are drawn … Read more

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Review: Daddy in Training – Lily Lamb

Daddy in Training - Lily Lamb

Genre: Romance, Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda Get It On Amazon About The Book David is used to being alone. But, one day, he was unexpectedly discovered by a mystical being. Life would never be the same again for David… “I wish I had a Daddy who hugged me real tight so I never needed to hug a pillow…I’m not saying that I feel lonely because …well…I’m used to being alone, but if there was a play-daddy available who would just hug me, I’d do anything to feel the warmth of his touch, both inside and out. Sigh Okay. I’m touch starved.” An inexperienced mystical gay Daddy Dom fairytale … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: Balancing the Weave – M.W. Lee

Balancing the Weave - M.W. Lee

M.W. Lee has a new MM fantasy romance out: Balancing the Weave. For Mark, Pride weekend in Yamasee County, South Carolina, means spending the day with friends, flirting with the out-of-town men, finding a romance, drinking too much, and enjoying all of Pride. However, the Fates have arrived to address a hole which appeared in the tapestry representing Mark, his past, and his present, which will direct him to the future. Throughout the day, the Fates confront Mark with memories both pleasant and painful about his former lover Sammy. Parcae uses her goddess tools to manipulate Mark’s thoughts so he remembers fun dates, fights, issues which make him uncomfortable, and … Read more

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Review: The Enemy of Heaven – Reni Stankova

The Enemy of Heaven - Reni Stankova

Genre: Fantasy, High Fantasy, Political Intrigue LGBTQ+ Category: Bisexual, Gay Reviewer: D.B., Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Raphael is a despondent angel prince who spends his time on drugs and entertainment, trying to forget the unfair inequality of his kingdom he can do nothing about. But this changes one night when he witnesses the inhuman abilities of a young demon from the capital’s ghetto. In an instant, he knows how to change his kingdom. Dante never trusted angels, much less royals, but after Prince Raphael saves him from an execution for a crime he didn’t commit, he follows him. And while the royal court is … Read more

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Review: The Mermaid Hypothesis – Siri Caldwell

The Mermaid Hypothesis - Siri Caldwell

Genre: Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Reviewer: Monique Get It On Amazon About The Book Mermaid Survival Rule Number 1: Stay away from intelligent women.  Who are so my type.  Fish are not great conversationalists. That’s not why Niua sneaks aboard a research ship, or why she’s stumbling around on legs, pretending she’s not a mermaid, but years of living among uncommunicative sea life may explain why she’s unwisely flirting with a marine scientist who’s far too perceptive–and far too female–for Niua’s safety. She needs to focus, but Ms. “Why Aren’t You on the Passenger List?” keeps distracting her. In the best possible way. She’s in over her head, and she doesn’t … Read more

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Review: The Blood-Born Dragon – J.C. Rycroft

The Blood-Born Dragon - J.C. Rycroft

Genre: Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Sapphic Fantasy, Romantic Subplot LGBTQ+ Category: Bisexual, Lesbian Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book A bond she didn’t choose.A love she can’t escape.A creature so powerful it bends the limits of time… Smart, sassy, and sanguine, Des Mildue is a traveling sellsword in Rescalin, a dry and dusty kingdom full of rogues, opportunists, and thieves. She keeps her nose clean, brazens it out with a blade when she can’t, and keeps others at arm’s length where they can’t mess up her plans. That is, until a sword fight gone wrong leaves her tied by blood to the first dragon hatched in … Read more

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Double Review: The Autumn Lands – J. Scott Coatsworth

The Autumn Lands - J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewers: Gloria & Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book Jerrith is running. Kissed by an elf, he can’t remain in his hometown of Althos any more. Not that he wanted to stay. Caspian still hasn’t figured out why he kissed Jerrith, but he’s running too. Since he was exiled from the Autumn Lands, his past has been hazy, and his future uncertain. But when a stray memory brings things into focus, the two decide to run toward something together. What they uncover will change how they see the world, and themselves, forever. The Review Ulysses: … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: The Empath and The Soldier – A.K. Holubek

The Empath and the Soldier - A.K. Holubek - The Unconventionals

A.K. Holubek has a new MM Regency period fantasy book out, The Unconventionals book 1: The Empath and the Soldier. And there’s a giveaway. The situation seemed hopeless. But Tyrran couldn’t pretend to be ignorant of the danger and just wait for his home to disintegrate around him. As a Favored male, Tyrran belongs to a select group of men born with one of the Four Gifts, a blessing usually reserved for women. Quiet, introverted, and filled with self-doubt, Tyrran has always struggled with living up to the responsibilities that come with being Gifted. Still, he had managed to achieve the near impossible — admission to the prestigious Lyceum Institute in … Read more

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Review: Villains – K.L. Mitchell

Villains - K.L. Mitchell

Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Reviewer: Whiskey November Get It On Amazon About The Book After saving the kingdom, you’d think Revka and her Centaur girlfriend Iyarra would have earned a nice long rest. But when they head down to the Enchanted Forest (the magical land where all stories come from), the place is run down, the natives are surly, and someone is stealing all of the villains. Turns out, that’s a bad thing. So nothing will do except the girls must run around the forest, hunting up mad scientists, sneaking around underground lairs, and uniting with a group of rogue librarians to get to the bottom of it all. … Read more

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Review: When the Glow Lights the Woods – Eule Grey

When the Glow Lights the Woods - Eule Grey

Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Dystopian LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Gordon, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book A snowy story of healing, birds, and the magic of connection. The Wall? Who gives a snowman’s kiss about when the wars ended, or who built the divide that goes all the way around the planet? Whatever! All anyone cares about is Christmas, when one lucky person gets to date someone from the other side. Who will it be this year? Eighteen-year-old Kite Ripples loves birds, animals, and gazing at stars. He’s a good brother to leader, Mal. Mostly. As teacher, it’s Kite’s responsibility to dispel the rumours about people on … Read more