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REVIEW: Fall Flavors – A.M. Leibowitz

Fall Flavors - A.M. Leibowitz

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Contemporary, General Fiction LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary Reviewer: Dan Get It On Amazon About The Book Seven stories, from tricks to treats: A man discovers the benefits of autumn cologne; a haunted Broadway-themed house; a witch in some trouble; Lucifer’s daughter has a surprise for dear old dad; a pair of pre-teens on an autumn treasure hunt; a costume party; and a broken down car, a thunderstorm, and a creepy mansion. The Review Let me start by saying I don’t like short story collections. Yes, some authors excel in the genre, masters of the difficult craft that is short fiction, and I can appreciate short … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Wicked Stepbrother and Other Stories – Warren Rochelle

The Wicked Stepbrother and Other Stories - Warren Rochelle

Warren Rochelle has a new collection of gay fairy tales out: “The Wicked Stepbrother and Other Stories.” And there’s a giveaway! Fairy tales. We all know the traditional stories, right? Prince Charming, the hero, fights evil, wins the princess, happily ever after. Three sons, three wishes, witches, dragons, a quest, and happily ever after. These stories are part of our cultural fabric. We retell them, over and over, and the stories change in the retellings, to reflect contemporary culture, such as Princess Charming, heroes and heroines as people of color. It has been only relatively recently that queer folk have found their way into the retellings, as they have here, … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Werewolf and His Boy – Warren Rochelle

The Werewolf And His Boy - Warren Rochelle

Warren Rochelle has a new gay paranormal romance out: “The Werewolf and His Boy.” And there’s a giveaway! Their leap of faith could unleash magic—or plunge them into darkness.Henry Thorn has worked at Larkin’s since graduating high school. He likes it—especially when he can use his secret skill of hiding inside shadows so his boss can’t find them. Without that talent, he would never had survived growing up different. When a hire enters the store, Henry’s other latent talent kicks in. He can smell an emotional response even before he lays eyes on the redhead. Jamey Currey came out, and his conservative parents promptly kicked him out. He, too, is … Read more

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REVIEW: Forgiving Lance – M.D. Grimm

Forgiving Lance - M.D. Grimm - A Warrior's Redemption

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book A tragic secret. A trial of pain. Gust holds a secret close to his heart, and it festers like an infected wound. While part of him wants to tell Lance so they can deal with it together, he fears what it will do to his friend. The last thing he wants to do is hurt the man he is falling in love with. And it never seems the right time as they pursue Ulfr’s warriors and elude hunting parties of royal soldiers. Lance wants nothing more than to confess his love … Read more

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REVIEW: Avenging Lance – M.D. Grimm

Avenging Lance - M.D. Grimm - A Warrior's Redemption

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book A child’s memory. A journey’s end. Lance doesn’t remember the time before Ulfr found him. It’s a dark pit in his mind that he avoids at all costs. And yet, despite his best efforts, pieces start to fall, and echoes from the past begin to ring. However, he has little time to comprehend their meaning, since the Captain of the Imperial Army herself has come to collect him and bring him to the capital city of the Nifdem Empire. Whisked away to the gilded streets and glittering court of the Hill … Read more

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REVIEW: Cupid’s Ax – K.A. Masters

Cupid's Ax - K.A. Masters

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Sequel to Not an Angel, But a Cupid A traumatic event in his childhood keeps Tuxtax from being able to shift into his were-griffin form. Ashamed of his looks and terrified of rejection, he spends his life in seclusion, with his sister Eleuthereia and centaur friend Rixa as his only connections to the outside world. Even though Tuxtax yearns to be with the elfin soulmate he had met before the accident, the vanth’s insecurity and self-doubt keep him from reaching out. But now Rixa needs his help. Tuxtax joins his friend … Read more

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REVIEW: The Solstice Kings – Kim Fielding

The Solstice Kings - Kim Fielding

Genre: Fantasy, Holiday, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Miles Thorsen’s adopted family is… unusual. But that’s not why he fled after graduating from college. Now, after ten years of restless wandering, he returns home for the winter holiday celebration. The solstice is a time of change, and perhaps it’s time for Miles to face who he is, who he loves… and who he’ll become. The Review Kim Fielding creates a delightful holiday story with lots of heartfelt moments and a magical place named the Castle. Miles Thorsen left his home in Kemken and made choices that left him facing a difficult … Read more

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Prince Ivan, A. Wolfe & A Firebird – Eric Alan Westfall

Prince Ivan, A. Wolfe & A Firebird - Eric Alan Westfall

Eric Alan Westfall has a new queer fairy tale out: “Prince Ivan, A. Wolfe & A Firebird.” And there’s a giveaway! Dear Reader, What do you get when you combine a greedy Great Tsar, his two cheating, bullying older sons, his youngest esser (shh! no saying that aloud) son, stolen gold apples, a Firebird quest, A. Wolfe who has the power t’assume a pleasing shape, a magickal sandstorm, as well as two bands and a full Symphony of Gipsumies? A rollicking, roisterous Russian Fairy Tale, with vigorous esser activities in tents, halls, bedrooms and alcoves, with and without the assistance of PSTs. Plus princely parades, a duel over Gus, new lyrics to an old … Read more

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REVIEW: Healing Lance – M.D. Grimm

Healing Lance - M.D. Grimm - A Warrior's Redemption

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book A baby’s laughter. A mind uncaged. Lance is known as Scourge, the warrior in the black armor, the dog of the warlord Ulfr Blackwolf. He was just a boy when Ulfr found him and molded him into the perfect weapon. He slaughters and pillages on command, merciless and numb, devoid of emotions. Then a baby girl laughs at him during a raid. And everything changes. When Gust, a talented healer, is out deer hunting and stumbles across a magnificent horse bearing a mortally wounded rider, he has no idea that his … Read more

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REVIEW: Secrets of Milan – Edale Lane

Secrets of Milan - Edale Lane - Night Flyer Trilogy

Genre: Alt History, Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Reviewer: Devon Get It On Amazon About The Book The Night Flyer had brought Florentina and Madelena together but now threatens to drive them apart. While Florentina searches for a mysterious underworld organization that has attempted to murder the woman she loves, Maddie struggles to deal with the danger Florentina is courting. Her brother, Alessandro, has become the most prominent merchant of Milan, but the Night Flyer uncovers a secret so shocking it could destroy them all. Secrets of Milan is the second book in Edale Lane’s Night Flyer Trilogy, a tale of power, passion, and payback in Renaissance Italy. If you like … Read more