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Double Review: The Death Bringer – J. Scott Coatsworth

The Death Bringer - J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Sci-Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Bi, Lesbian Reviewers: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild; Maryann Preorder Now About The Book AIK WILL NEVER BE THE SAME… AND NEITHER WILL HIS WORLD War is coming. Aik has become the Progenitor, and the Seed Mother has released him to transform the world for her alien brood. Silya and Raven, Aik’s former friends, are the only ones who can save him and the world. But what if the cure is worse than the invasion? As Silya rushes to prepare Gullton for the battle to come, she’s determined to save as many people as she can. But new crises emerge that demand her attention. Raven has … Read more

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Review: Not Not Normal – Peter Fenton

Not Not Normal - Peter E. Fenton

Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Whiskey November Get It On Amazon About The Book Jordan and Nathan couldn’t be more different, but when order and chaos collide, opposites attract. Jordan is a bit of an oddball at school. He likes rules, routine, old sci-fi novels, and is often the victim of his bully’s torment. When new student Nathan joins the school, he wears down Jordan’s walls and, with his love, empowers Jordan to stand up for himself. Nathan’s parents are going through divorce, and at a new school in a new city Jordan provides him with the stability he can’t find at home. Through their friendship and … Read more

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Review: The Flesh Inherent – Perry Meester

The Flesh Inherent - Perry Meester

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Western, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Trans FTM Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book On a hot summer night, something enormous screams down from the sky and pierces into the desert not far from the small town of Farchapel. The stories that trickle back from the crater are strange indeed-those who find it and return claim to be forever changed, transformed into the better, ideal versions of themselves they’ve always wished to achieve. Jamie, recent mysterious visitor in town, is a man on the run, all too eager to escape his current form no matter the cost. Sidney, local drunk, would rather face a hole … Read more

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Review: The Heir and the Outlaw – Rena Butler

The Heir and the Outlaw - Rena Butler

Genre: Historical, Western, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book The nineteenth century frontier is a harsh place, where would-be thief Emmett accidentally kidnaps the son of his nemesis, the young, privileged, and rather good-looking Archibald van Haeften. Emmett is determined to get his revenge against the van Haeften family – but he doesn’t expect Archie to be so sympathetic. And kind. And, yes, unsettlingly handsome, as well as sharing Emmett’s own proclivities. When Archie comes up with a daring heist idea of his own, Emmett has to decide whether to trust the heir – or whether he will be Emmett’s own last stand. … Read more

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Review: Mytho Coloring Book – TJ Nichols

Review: Mytho Coloring Book - TJ Nichols

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Gay Romance, Coloring Book LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Jay Get It On Shopify About The Book The mytho world has been brought to life by the illustrations of Sheilkuroi.  Add a touch of magic to your life with Mytho Coloring Book. Adventure and fun await you as you explore the satyr den, befriend the baby dragons, and steer clear of the mischievous mermaids! Includes: The Review Anyone who loved TJ Nichols’ Mytho series would adore this book. Various pairings and relationships have been depicted in extracts from the novels with beautiful black and white illustrations. As this is a PDF they could presumably be downloaded and colored. … Read more

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Review: Airs Above the Ground – Rachel Langella

Airs Above the Ground - Rachel Langella - Carnival of Mysteries

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book As a member of the Flying Galliers in the Carnival of Mysteries, Mario Gallier has remained an eternally young and carefree teenager for over a hundred years. When the Carnival stops for a time on a magic-sparse world, Mario finally meets a man for whom he wants to grow up. Unfortunately aging takes time, and the Carnival doesn’t linger anywhere for long. Ilya Mirov was part of the greatest aerial straps duo in the world, but after losing his husband and partner Derek to cancer, he retired from performing to take … Read more

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Review: Flames of the Arcane – Nicole Dennis

Flames of the Arcane - Nicole Dennis

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Welcome, Traveler, to Errante Ame’s Carnival of Mysteries! What you see before you is no mere vagabond circus. Indeed, our show is full of wonders and delights that will leave you breathless, but whether that is with amazement or dread depends entirely upon you. We are unlike any other band of creatures you have ever encountered — and you few brave souls who choose to step beyond your mundane expectations and join us may witness sights beyond your wildest imaginings. So sit back, relax, and let us entertain you. For time and … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: Entwined – Sean Ian O’Meidhir & Connal Braginsky

Entwined - Sean Ian O'Meidhir & Connal Braginsky

Sean Ian O’Meidhir & Connal Braginsky have a new MM paranormal book out, Darklight book three: Entwined. And there’s a giveaway. After learning his mother is alive, Cameron, a telepath, travels across the country to find her, accompanied by Nathen, his neurodiverse vampire lover, and Syn, his best friend and sister of the heart. Once there, they find she is involved in a much larger war of her own and has been trying to keep him out of harm’s way for years. In their quest to help her, they make enemies, of course, but they also find several new allies. And when they are swept up in fae politics and … Read more

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Review: Transparent is a Color – Kaje Harper

Transparent is a Color - Kaje Harper - Subpar Heroes

Genre: Sci-Fi, Superheroes, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Rari Get It On Amazon About The Book Perry’s mother told him he’d develop the superpower of flight, like his grandfather. She even named him Peregrine, so folks would call him “The Falcon.” Spoiler— they don’t. Because when he did come into his power, all he got was the ability to change colors. Not even himself, like some kind of Chameleon Man, but the color of objects. He can de-pukify the shade of his bedroom curtains, turn a bully’s sweatshirt pink, or even turn a red traffic light green. (Not a good idea.) He hasn’t told anyone except his disappointed mom about … Read more

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Review: You Be the Flower: Augusta Connor

You Be the Flower: Augusta Connor

Genre: Western, Romance, Historical LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Nathaniel knows that he is not the blushing bride-to-be for which the newspaper was advertising, but it is 1877 and he is desperate for a way to move to the frontier and start a new life. What he finds is Jamie Landry, a farmer not expecting a spouse to arrive by train, let alone for the bride to be a groom. But Nat makes himself useful in the kitchen of Jamie’s Kansas farm, finding an outlet for his love of domesticity and beauty. He also finds something unexpected in Jamie, the quiet, sincere, and … Read more