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REVIEW: Bloodlaced – Courtney Maguire

Bloodlaced - Courtney McGuire - Youkai Bloodlines

Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Historical, Dark LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Transgender Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Kanjin hardly view their servants as human. Even less so when they are different. Asagi is different. Both a man and a woman. In the wake of his failure to protect a boy he saw as a son from their abusive master, Asagi is sold into the house of a young nobleman, Mahiro, who is the opposite of everything Asagi has ever known—gentle, kind, and generous. Mahiro bonds with Asagi and their friendship blooms into a deep and profound love. But when Asagi is poisoned out of jealousy, Mahiro reveals himself to be youkai, a … Read more

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REVIEW: Agents of the Truth – Jackson Marsh

Agents of the Truth - Jackson Marsh

Genre: Mystery, Historical, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book “Despite your adversities, Mr Blaze, you remain unbroken because of who you are, not what you can or cannot do.” Mrs Norwood, October 1890 Shakespeare, the Bible, Edgar Allan Poe… What could a series of random quotes have to do with a masked ball and eight unsolved murders? Archer, Lord Clearwater, is hosting a masquerade at Larkspur Hall, and Prince Albert Victor is the guest of honour. The vitally important event is miles away from London, where Jimmy Wright has enlisted the help of Dalston Blaze and Joe Tanner in solving two mysteries: Who … Read more

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REVIEW: Blood Bound – Courtney Maguire

Blood Bound - Courtney Maguire - Youkai Bloodlines

Genre: Paranormal, Historical, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Two hundred years can strain even the seemingly eternal love of the youkai. When Hideyoshi’s coldness drives them apart, Hiro finds comfort in his friendship with Takanori, a vociferous human man he met at a ramen shop and can’t seem to keep away from.. Everything Hiro had to fight for from Hideyoshi, Takanori gives freely, making it all too easy to turn away from his responsibilities–and Hideyoshi–in favor of something sweeter. But while Hiro is off playing human, danger is brewing among the Youkai. Hideyoshi, still reeling from his breakup with Hiro, struggles to … Read more

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REVIEW: Blood Pact – Courtney Maguire

Blood Pact - Courtney Maguire - Youkai Bloodlines

Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Fantasy, Alt History LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Pan, Non-Binary Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book In Hiro’s world, youkai are a supernatural story used to scare children into obedience, and to keep men out of back alleys and brothels. Until Sakurai Hideyoshi walks through his door with a fantastical tale of a samurai who had killed a thousand men and drank the blood of his enemies, a man that lived in darkness but sought beauty to keep it at bay. A story both terrifying and romantic…and completely ridiculous. Unless it is true. Convinced something softer lurks behind Hideyoshi’s hard mask, Hiro follows him home. And … Read more

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REVIEW: Manchester Lake – Joshua Ian

Manchester Lake - Joshua Ian - Darkly Enchanted Romance

Genre: Paranormal, Historical, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book England, 1910Monty, along with his best friend Bishop, investigates an odd seal-like creature swimming in Manchester Lake. The pair soon realize they’ve found a selkie when the magnificent animal transforms into the most gorgeous man either of them has ever seen. Determined to discover the origins of the mystical man, they bundle him into Bishop’s brand-new electric automobile and whisk him off to London. There they find a host of distractions: a tastefully debauched house party hosted by silver-tongued aristocrats, and a queerly European-inspired novelty called the night club. Both are filled with a … Read more

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REVIEW: The Young Man’s Guide to Love and Loyalty – Clara Merrick

The Young Man’s Guide To Love And Loyalty - Clara Merrick

Genre: Historical, Romance, Fantasy, Alternate Timeline LGBTQ+ Category: gay Reviewer: Xanthe, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Loyalty is Lieutenant Owain Morgan’s watchword—loyalty to England’s Queen Elizabeth XII, to her daughter the Princess of Wales, and to the Royal Navy in which he serves. When his loyalty leads him into danger, an unseen something—or someone—lends a helping hand. Is he imagining it? Could it be a guardian angel? Or is it someone—or something—else? Enter the intriguing Benjamin Fletcher. Owain knows that sharing a drink and a steamy afternoon together doesn’t have to mean anything, but Benjamin’s quiet charm works its way into his heart…. Until Benjamin … Read more

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NEW RELEASE: She’s The One Who Can’t Keep Quiet – S. R. Cronin

She's the One Who Can't Keep Quiet - S. R. Cronin

S. R. Cronin has a new queer fantasy out (lesbian, poly, demi/bi, ace), The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters book 5: She’s the One Who Can’t Keep Quiet. And there’s a Giveaway! Do you know what your problem is? Celestine, the fifth of seven sisters, is tired of hearing about hers. Father thinks she’s frivolous because she likes pretty clothes and caters to the crowds in the taverns who adore her music. Mother thinks that because she’s the most social daughter in the family, she can’t keep quiet about anything. They’re both wrong. Celestine has hidden a secret for most of her life. As the family beauty and a … Read more

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REVIEW: Sins of Yesterday – Romeo Preminger

Sins of Yesterday - Romeo Preminger - Arizona Series

Genre: Contemporary LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book The first book in Preminger’s Southern Gothic, family secrets epic: the Arizona series. It’s 1984, and fifteen-year-old Arizona is doing his best to take care of his younger brothers and sister while their daddy drives a truck cross-country and spends his paycheck on booze and gambling. In small town southeastern Louisiana, his family is known as the lowest of the low, and they say it’s on account of a family curse that’s so ugly, no one would dare speak of it. Then Arizona’s daddy loses his job, and things go from bad to worse. He baits … Read more

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REVIEW: Dublin Bay – John Patrick

Dublin Bay - John Patrick

Genre: Historical LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book In 1939, the world tumbles toward war and the lives of two young men will be forever changed. James Brennan grew up in the poorest of Dublin’s tenements, turning adversity to advantage wherever he could. But he’s nearly a man now—with a good education at that—and wants more from life than what he can get as a day laborer, or following his father into the factory. Otto Werner is the privileged son of a German diplomat stationed in Dublin. Otto is destined for great things in the new Europe sure to arise after Germany’s victory in … Read more

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REVIEW: Heartthrob – Russell Sanders

Heartthrob - Russell J. Sanders

Genre: Historical, YA, 1960’s LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Tony Get It On Amazon About The Book Hollywood, the mid-1960s. President Kennedy has been assassinated, the country’s civil rights movement is in full swing, and teenager Nate Berrigan is a television sitcom star. But Nate’s onscreen life looks nothing like the real thing, which stars abusive, addicted parents instead of swooning teenage girls. On top of that, Nate’s questioning his sexuality, and his boss is a demanding monster. The pressure would get to anyone. Fortunately Nate has Tai Atua, his costar… and maybe the love of his life. As the boys slowly fall for each other, Nate tries to believe in … Read more