REVIEW: The Neon Darkness Omnibus – Skot Harris
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Romance, War, Fiction LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book The Definitive Neon Darkness Saga. Contains the complete Neon Darkness Trilogy and its companion, Wasted Letters. Newly edited and condensed with bonus material, including screenplay excerpts, author Q&A, book club questions, and more. SNAPSHOTS AT THE FONTAINE MOTEL [Book One]May 1996. Six inseparable friends seek revenge after one of them is brutally attacked. But their vigilante justice spins violently out of control and accidentally leaves the attacker dead. Desperate to escape as the FBI inches dangerously close, they flee, speeding across state lines, down dusty backroads to the Fontaine Motel, an isolated hideout in middle-of-nowhere … Read more