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Year in Review 2018 and Goals 2019 – Michael Mandrake/Sharita L

Taken and Crowned - Michael Mandrake

Hello again. I must apologize for completely skipping November. *sighs* I was very busy with Breakable Faith and Taken and Crowned.  Also, my twin, you know, the devilish muse BL, had some writing to do as well. So alas, we didn’t post anything in November. However, now I’m back to post about this year which has proved to be a breakout! Finally. No, I didn’t receive the dream book or movie deal. In fact, I don’t think I’d want it because that means compromising some of my fiction ideas. Oh and no, I didn’t make six figures. However, I did learn something more about getting closer to my writing goals. … Read more

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Only White People Fall In Love #weneedmorediversebooks #ownvoices

Gay Couple - Sharita Lira

(Note: My apologies to the author. The mistake has been corrected. Thanks to a reader for pointing it out.) Got your attention, didn’t it? Yeah, this is going to ruffle some feathers, but that’s okay, they need to be ruffled. We’re all aware that racism is rampant in the world. Plenty of people don’t like anything outside of the straight, white, and cis or their own race which is just as problematic. That’s not okay, but it’s their prerogative. Racism is learned. You’re not born to be hateful on someone just because they’re different than you. Growing up racist or intolerant is definitely a product of one’s surroundings, and whether … Read more

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10 reasons self-published authors should be terribly proud of themselves

Peacock - Elizabeth Andre

You wrote a book. You wrote a book that you are willing to let other people read. You wrote a book that you are willing to let strangers read. You wrote a book that you consider good enough for people to pay for the privilege of reading. You wrote a book and identified the team of people (editors, proofreaders, cover designers, book designers, beta-readers, general supporters) that you needed to get it out into the world. You didn’t wait for someone else to tell you that you were good enough to publish. You bring stories to the world that traditional publishing may not recognize as marketable or saleable. You publish … Read more

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All Covers Matter

This is a repost. To see the original with the beautiful covers of other authors represented, please click here.  Also please read the message about Queer in Color, coming November 5th! When you think about book covers, it should represent what happens in the book. If it’s a mystery, it might be dark with big letters or some kind of complex scene. Fantasy, perhaps illuminations, bright lights that appear to be magic. In romance, most of the time you have people. Whether it be one or multiple torsos, that usually implies romance. Now, that isn’t always the case. Many romances have no people on them, which is fine too. Regardless … Read more