REVIEW: Spellbound: An Erotic Odyssey, By Angello Adrien
Title: Spellbound: An Erotic Odyssey Author: Angello Adrien Genre: Urban Fantasy, Erotic, Action-Adventure LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 379 Reviewer: Linda Tonis, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Ending a bad relationship is awful. Having to see their face everyday following that is worse. What better way to recharge the heart than a grand vacation to a mysterious Greek island? In a place where myths and legends are alive and well, David Angellus finds himself thrown through a gauntlet of godly games. Seduction, death, and rebirth are just the beginning of his odyssey. The Review Eighteen year old David Angellus met twenty-six year old Johnny … Read more