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REVIEW: The Selkie’s Coat – Drea Roman

The Selkie's Coat - Drea Roman

Title: The Selkie’s Coat Author: Drea Roman Genre: Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 266 Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book A marshmallow alpha with more heart than sense and a stubborn human omega trying to guard his heart fall in love in this first story from the Waves of Fate omegaverse. “Oops! You dropped your coat!” With these words, waiter Daniel Collins turns alpha selkie Gregory Samson’s life upside down. Because that coat is not some fancy heirloom fur. No, it is Gregory’s selkie pelt, which magically connects him with his seal animal inside.   When Gregory hears Daniel’ voice, he … Read more