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Review: SapphicLover69 – Edale Lane

SapphicLover69 - Edale Lane

Genre: Contemporary LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Aspen wants to advance her career; SapphicLover69 wants her dead.Golden Crown Award Finalist for Mystery/Thriller/Suspense author Edale Lane brings you another novel filled with loveable characters that will keep you guessing. Sapphic romance author Aspen Wolfe is forced off social media by a vicious online stalker. Putting it behind her, she accepts an invitation to speak at a prestigious writer’s conference where two of her books are up for awards. While she makes new friends at the gathering in New Orleans, her stalker, SapphicLover69, is the last person on her mind—until Aspen gets a text message … Read more

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Review: Suck a Little Happy Juice – J. Scott Coatsworth

Suck a Little Happy Juice - J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Non-Fiction, Writing Reviewer: D.B., Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book Being An Indie Author Can’t Be That Hard, Right? So you want to be an indie author. Or maybe you’re scared to do it all yourself and are looking for a publisher, but want to know more about the nuts and bolts of the book business. Either way, this book is for you. Scott is a thirty-year small press veteran who shares his knowledge— from the snarky to the sublime—and answers your questions: What should you consider before you start to write? What about when you get stuck? And what can … Read more

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Creative Process. It’s a thing.

The Creative Process - A.L. Lester

Apologies for being a bit late with my post this month- school holidays are really disruptive routine-wise. This is possibly why I’ve been giving some thought to my creative process over the past few weeks. I’ve got an amazing ability to take on too much and at the moment that means two active works in progress. (What were you thinking you fool? do I hear you cry? Or is that just my inner self?) I’m serializing one work for subscribers to my monthly newsletter and ko-fi and chipping away steadily at a second ‘proper’ work. They are both set in my Lost in Time universe, but are a hundred and … Read more

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Feeling the Characters

Where There's Smoke - BL Morticia

Greetings folks. Here’s a blog about writing characters! When talking to an author, you might hear how excited they are about their stories. They tell you about what went into the creating plot, the inspiration behind the story, and then the fun part; how they came up with their characters. In a lot of instances, this character might be made up of someone they know or even an extension of themselves or, it may be a someone they want to know or dream about. A lot of mine are all the above. Their personalities are a mix of someone I know or want to know. If the character is somewhat … Read more

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Year in Review 2018 and Goals 2019 – Michael Mandrake/Sharita L

Taken and Crowned - Michael Mandrake

Hello again. I must apologize for completely skipping November. *sighs* I was very busy with Breakable Faith and Taken and Crowned.  Also, my twin, you know, the devilish muse BL, had some writing to do as well. So alas, we didn’t post anything in November. However, now I’m back to post about this year which has proved to be a breakout! Finally. No, I didn’t receive the dream book or movie deal. In fact, I don’t think I’d want it because that means compromising some of my fiction ideas. Oh and no, I didn’t make six figures. However, I did learn something more about getting closer to my writing goals. … Read more

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We Writers Are Strange Creatures!

Plot Bunny - Sharita Lira

Greetings. This is Michael Mandrake aka Sharita Lira with a post about being an author and/or writer since they’re more synonymous that you think. Sooo, what about writing? It’s something authors love to do. We keep strange hours, writing when the house is asleep or awake depending on the members in your household. Or maybe you’re a lone ranger. Oh you’re really doomed! *grins* No one to bother you or answer to? Then you’ll spend a ton of time with your characters. And oh, what about those critters? Yes, the ones you talk to and think about while driving. I discuss parts of the story I need to rewrite and … Read more

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A Missed Opportunity

Mercurio's Mating - Michael Mandrake - Immortals

Hello QRI readers, after two months off, I’m blogging again. I was on vacation in June and then July I had to finish 4 books. *shocked face* I successfully finished all 4 and now I’m ready to chat again. Or actually, the muse is. Michael has thoughts, so  forget about me and allow him to speak.  Michael, you have the floor… Greetings readers! Thanks to QRI for having me again after a 2-month hiatus. Shar and I have been very busy finishing several books, including the last installment of Immortals, Mercurio’s Mating. In all honesty, these books are definitely products of the inmates running the asylum. *grins* What I mean … Read more

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So You Wanna Write a Black Person?

black man - pixabay

Greetings folks. I took April off because of traveling at the beginning of the month. Once I got home, I’d forgotten to post. 🙁 But I’m back, or rather, Sharita is with this very informative blog about writing black folks!  Enjoy! * * * *   So, you’re a writer, huh? You, as a non-black author, want to write outside of your comfort zone and explore someone black, but you don’t know where to start. What are you using for research? Movies? Nope. Not a good source because a large part of movies are stereotypical. Books? Maybe, but not always. There can be books by #ownvoices that are helpful, but … Read more

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10 reasons self-published authors should be terribly proud of themselves

Peacock - Elizabeth Andre

You wrote a book. You wrote a book that you are willing to let other people read. You wrote a book that you are willing to let strangers read. You wrote a book that you consider good enough for people to pay for the privilege of reading. You wrote a book and identified the team of people (editors, proofreaders, cover designers, book designers, beta-readers, general supporters) that you needed to get it out into the world. You didn’t wait for someone else to tell you that you were good enough to publish. You bring stories to the world that traditional publishing may not recognize as marketable or saleable. You publish … Read more

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Writing Outside My Spectrum

Anasa's Awakening - Michael Mandrake - Immortals

I apologize for being late with this month’s post. *sighs* I was ill earlier in the week, and then Nano and day job and… *sighs* Well, here it is! I’ve wanted to write this blog for a while, and I finally decided why not? You see, other than my Facebook personality, along with the muses, I’m really a shy person. I hide behind the computer screen and most of the time my social media profiles don’t feature a personal picture. It’s not because I don’t think I’m beautiful. *smiles and twists black locks of hair around my fingers* it’s because my writing shows so many different sides of myself. I … Read more