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REVIEW: It Helps With the Blues – Bryan Cebulski

It Helps With the Blues - Bryan Cebulski

Genre: YA, Coming of Age LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Bi, Ace, Non-Binary Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | Publisher About The Book Jules leaves. Gabriel rages. Estelle changes. Joshua hides. In the aftermath of a classmate’s suicide, a boy embroils himself in a community of Midwestern teens, each doing what they can to cope as they stumble—together and apart—toward a life worth living. The Review It Helps With the Blues is not a romance. I first met the author, Bryan Cebulski, when he submitted a poignant post-apocalyptic tale called “From the Sun and Scorched Earth” to Other Worlds Ink for the “Fix the World” anthology. It’s the story of a … Read more

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REVIEW: The Sigil – Shakeil Kanish and Larissa Mandeville

The Sigil - Shakeil Kanish and Larissa Mandeville

Genre: LGBT, Dark, Urban Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Gender Fluid, Lesbian Reviewer: Estora Get It On Amazon About The Book Lake’s brother Devlin was murdered right in front of him. Simply because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Or was he? Why, then, does Lake think Devlin knew he was going to die before they ever set foot in the gas station that night? As he obsesses over his brother’s death, Lake begins to uncover a hidden world full of forbidden magic and growing danger. Now he’s stuck, caught between the world that his brother was meant for and his own. Lake is beginning to … Read more

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REVIEW: Heartthrob – Russell Sanders

Heartthrob - Russell J. Sanders

Genre: Historical, YA, 1960’s LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Tony Get It On Amazon About The Book Hollywood, the mid-1960s. President Kennedy has been assassinated, the country’s civil rights movement is in full swing, and teenager Nate Berrigan is a television sitcom star. But Nate’s onscreen life looks nothing like the real thing, which stars abusive, addicted parents instead of swooning teenage girls. On top of that, Nate’s questioning his sexuality, and his boss is a demanding monster. The pressure would get to anyone. Fortunately Nate has Tai Atua, his costar… and maybe the love of his life. As the boys slowly fall for each other, Nate tries to believe in … Read more

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REVIEW: The Boy Who Chased After His Shadow – Jeff Jacobson

The Boy Who Chased After His Shadow - Jeff Jacobson

Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, YA LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans Reviewer: Damian Get It On Amazon About The Book What If an Evil Witch Was Controlling Your Thoughts Without You Knowing? Soon after being whisked away to Seattle to live with an aunt and uncle he barely knew, Charlie Creevey learned that he hailed from a family of witches. After settling into this unfamiliar life, his feelings toward his new friend Diego Ramirez began to grow into something more serious. And if that wasn’t enough, he failed to stop the nefarious witch Grace and her cohort from using the dreaded deathcraft and killing his mentor Malcolm. But a recent … Read more

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REVIEW: Land on Me – Matthew Corr

Land on Me - Matthew R. Corr

Genre: Contemporary LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Non-Binary, Trans MTF Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Landon Griffin has everything going for him. He’s a high school senior on the brink of receiving a football scholarship, his dad is running for mayor of Madison, Texas, and his future with his girlfriend looks bright. But his simple life shatters when feelings spark for a guy he’s never met. Giving the stranger the codename Mystery Boy, Landon hesitates to step out of his comfort zone to solve the mystery. Living in a conservative town, he struggles to hide his new obsession while trying to figure out where he fits within the … Read more

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REVIEW: Because I Want To – Grace R. Duncan

Because I Want To - Grace R. Duncan

Genre: Contemporary, Omegaverse LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Melissa, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Omega Adam and Alpha Matt have been best friends all their lives. Matt has been there for Adam from his first heat. They’ve never been apart and Adam has never considered being with another person. So, it confuses Matt when Adam refuses to allow Matt to bite and pair with him. Adam has seen for himself what happens when an alpha leaves his paired omega, when his mother went through the excruciating pain of a new alpha bite. Knowing his best friend as well as he does, he knows that if Matt … Read more

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REVIEW: Futures, Friends, and Other Firsts – Amara Lynn

Futures, Friends, And Other Firsts - Amara Lynn

Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Non-Binary Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Sallon Lee is quiet, shy, and has no friends. They have no idea what they want for their future on the space station in which they live. But they do know one thing: they have a huge crush on Ignis. The problem is, Ignis is so cool and popular, and has no idea who Sal is. Sal has no chance with him. Then a chance encounter throws the two of them together, and Sal finds themself forming a fast friendship with Ignis, thinking about their future, and other firsts. Futures, Friends, and Other Firsts is … Read more

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REVIEW: The Cursed Crown – Matthew S. Cox

The Cursed Crown - Matthew S. Cox

Genre: YA, Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: FF Lesbian Reviewer: Estora Get It On Amazon About The Book In the wake of a twenty-year war, the people of Lucernia struggle to believe their former enemies aren’t demon-loving savages. However, that’s easy compared to the more alarming change: accepting their nation now has two queens. Many citizens in a land devoted to the God of Purity view the love between Kitlyn and Oona as unnatural, but the young women have earned guarded acceptance in the wake of their heroic deeds. Alas, unrest stirs in the shadows. Worse, Oona thinks the Talomir family line is cursed. All who have worn the crown before her … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Students of Barrenmoor Ridge, by Jackson Marsh

The Students of Barrenmoor Ridge - Jackson Marsh

Jackson Marsh has a new MM YA romance out, book two in his Barrenmoor Ridge series: “The Students of Barrenmoor Ridge.” Book two in ‘The Barrenmoor Series’ of MM romance stories with a mountain rescue theme. Liam has set himself a goal. To come out to his best friend, Casper, before his 18th birthday while hiking at Fellborough in the Yorkshire Dales. Things don’t go according to plan, and when a violent storm hits, the camping trip takes a potentially fatal turn. Local mountaineers, John Hamilton and his husband Gary are called to help, but it soon becomes apparent that the rescue is more than physical. Liam and Casper both … Read more

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REVIEW: Absolute Heart, by Michael Vance Gurley

Absolute Heart - Michael Vance Gurley

Title: Absolute Heart Series: Infernal Instruments of the Dragons Book One Author: Michael Vance Gurley Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Harmony Ink Press Pages: 288 Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book As the British Empire builds power based on new clockwork and steam technology, Ireland draws its might from its potent magical traditions. Only two boys with little in common can end the fighting between the two nations and prevent a terrible worldwide war. Gavin Haveland’s dreams are in the sky with the airships, while his reality as a High Councilman’s son means hiding secrets that will get him executed if … Read more